Love Transforms And Transmutes All Lower Vibrations
by Deane Thomas,
Contributing Writer,
Love Transcends History!
I am reminded today, of all days, a day and time in my own life, when I truly connected with pure love energy of two incredible souls. An energy I have never experienced in my life, and one that I have come to accept as part of me. We are all energy, we are all love, and there is nothing that anyone can do to destroy that purity. I am love, I am worthy and once that flame is ignited it will never extinguish, that is the power of love.
Remembering is an amazing gift we all possess, especially when love is concerned. When one connects with those that transform our lives, in the name of unconditional love, we tend to have a permanent imprint embedded in our psyche, and our soul. Almost like a date stamp – and one, no matter how much we try to avoid it, that essence keeps appearing.
Modern man and science label this as an obsession, or unrequited love – but as we know science has so many unknown answers and tends to stigmatize what it doesn’t comprehend. A failing of science perhaps, but one that many in humanity can feel on a daily basis. That essence is pure love, it is an essence that is within us, and one that only a few can acknowledge and understand.
Many run from this love essence because their ego recognizes that a transformation is about to take place. A transformation to our birthright, to our very existence on this planet. Millenia of conditioning and programming is not going to interfere with a being that truly believes in that essence which they are. Pure love will always transcend, fear, greed, and hatred – as well as any lower vibration that has been implanted in our psyche. An old English expression “You may run, but you cannot hide”, so resonant of the love within me today.
We Are All Love!
Each of us possesses pure love inside; only a few will begin to explore that essence, mainly because the mind is at odds with the heart. The love flows through our veins and becomes a way of life…love transforms and transmutes all lower vibrations. Love heals and soothes all the experiences we have ever endured in this and many other lifetimes. If you open your heart and soul to the vibration of love and enter into the realms of serenity and the unknown, this is when life changes and becomes magical.
As many struggles with the transformation, and continue to battle their very existence on this planet…we, as the holders of the light will guide you to your inner sanctuary, to your inner calling. We will guide you home, and help you on your journey to the unknown, for that is our duty and responsibility to help humanity to transform to a new vibration.

I am blessed with so many loving memories and ones which will live with me always and forever – because I choose love over fear.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to share this moment with me. I love you unconditionally and am here, should you choose to also open the door to your heart and soul.
You are worthy, and an amazing beautiful soul, that also can feel what I feel too!
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About the author: Deane has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new templates. He has a passion and in-depth understanding of past life memory, its interpretation and how to address this in current life. To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unraveling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth!
Image: Pixabay
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