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Tag: open your heart

Love Transforms And Transmutes All Lower Vibrations

Love Transforms And Transmutes All Lower Vibrations

By on May 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

I am reminded today, of all days, a day and time in my own life, when I truly connected with pure love energy of two incredible souls. An energy I have never experienced in my life, and one that I have come to accept as part of me. We are all energy, we are all love, and there is nothing that anyone can do to destroy that purity. I am love, I am worthy and once that flame is ignited it will never extinguish, that is the power of love.

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Energy Update – Physical Body Upgrades, OverSoul Embodiment & Higher Light Code Processes

Energy Update – Physical Body Upgrades, OverSoul Embodiment & Higher Light Code Processes

By on December 12, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, Do YOU Allow Yourself to Fully BE Love, To Fully Fully Fully Experience the Purity of Higher Existence Love? Physical Body Upgrades, OverSoul Embodiment & Higher Light Code Embedding Processes… DO YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO FULLY BE LOVE, TO FULLY FULLY FULLY EXPERIENCE THE PURITY OF HIGHER EXISTENCE LOVE? The profoundness, the […]

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