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Ascension Continues But The Reality Is Real, Also!

By on September 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ascension Continues But The Reality Is Real, Also!

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by Deane Thomas,
Contributing Writer,

Trying to figure out this journey is something that has challenged many for centuries, and this will remain the case for us also.  The mind and its complexity, especially for those more mature beings who have to transcend so much.  It is a daily task to stay balanced and not be drawn into the lower vibrations, and one that we will continue to endure.  We recognise there is no turning back as we are confronted with living in this confusing reality.


It is a journey, and a progressive one at that; the more we reveal it becomes clearer that our path is eternal.  It is fairly easy to reprogram a piece of software to form a new result or scenario – the mind is more challenging.  The challenge is always itself – we are always having to interpret what we feel or sense, as well as apply some logic.  We can pick up on energies that are very powerful, especially those higher vibrations.

As we navigate the new state of consciousness there is a swirling of energies in the air.  We can sense them like never before, almost like being surrounded by a radio transmission from space!  Yes, we absorb them and we begin to process the feelings and sensations at a whole new level.  Incredibly we are being presented with temptations in this reality, but our awareness is switched on.

It’s OK To Walk Away!

Walking away from a physical temptation, that would probably not have happened previously is an achievement.  Celebrate the success, not the analysis of what could have been.  There shall be no doubt in our minds about whether we have made the right decision or not.  Certainly, we can take the higher perspective – that it is all meant to be.  Our eyes and ears are open, and we are navigating using our heart and soul.

There has to be a time for adjustment, but don’t be afraid to fully explore new situations, we are human beings after all.  Staying in the moment and being as grounded as possible always helps.  Your GPS is alive and working perfectly, now it is retraining the driver (YOU) how to follow the signs.  There are many who are just going with the flow and signs, which is an achievement for this lifetime.

Dissolving away what ever needs shall clear the way forward for those things we are manifesting.  As we are the Masters of our own destiny, we shall have a clearer vision of where we are going.  We may not have the full picture, but an idea to guide us is fine.  Almost like a guiding star, taking us on the journey of trust and self-belief.  As our ancestors have done before, we shall connect with all aspects of Mother Nature, and give permission for her to guide us.

Relinquishing control of self may be an illogical or crazy notion for most to understand or get to grasps with.  In essence, that defeats what we have been shown as the way of life.  Allowing ourselves to fully surrender, is an ongoing mission – but now we get it and understand it.  The rest is now a process of maintaining balance in all that we do.


Daily Suggestions!

Make it simple and sweet!!  Allow yourself to truly connect with nature in a big way.  So many ask me how? Time is too short!  This is perhaps one of the simplest things to change instantly.  The time is yours to choose how you use it, so surely claiming 20 minutes a day for yourself is acceptable.  Once you make that assertion, take the time to walk in a park or by a river – it is possible to fit it into your day.  Switch off the phone, then just sit and watch what is happening, allow your senses to feel it all.

There is no need to listen to your favorite meditation, as nature is your music and performance.   Tune out the distracting sounds around you, and try to focus on the surroundings, and watch with an open mind.  The sounds will come from nature herself – whether from the birds and bees, or the blowing wind.  Practicing this every day will allow you to have a new relationship with nature and yourself.

It is an ongoing process that requires self-discipline in the beginning.  Reprogramming the mind is something that won’t happen over night, as with the ascension journey, it is ongoing.  Once we have got to grips with the mind, we can begin to influence the way we live our lives.  We become less bothered, heated or stressed out…we become in harmony with our true authentic self.  Self Mastery

The more you are able to disconnect from society and reconnect with the planet, the clearer it will all become.  Many are not ready for this next phase of evolution, but there are a few who are and will continue to lead the way.  On the surface, a lot of “household names” are showing their true colors for all to see. What will transpire will be revealed in due timing, but the laws of cause and effect will play their role.

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Your Truth And Your Journey!

These are yours and always will be, the path you are following is most definitely different and new.  Being part of the ascension process truly empowers the soul and vessel to reach new heights.  There are many who will not understand what we are doing, or even care for that matter.  Yes, we will be judged and labeled, but that is OK too.  It has taken a lifetime to realize the truth, it remains in our own power to add that little spark for others to see.

We are surrounded by our support network and new friends and family – these are the most precious aspects that keep us going forward.  Together, we can make the changes within our own lives, so that it will ripple outwards.  Signs and synchronicities all play their role in our lives, but in some cases can be a hindrance too.  Take them as they are intended, confirmations of your own state of consciousness.

As we move forward, we can see others are being guided towards us also; there is a cohesive effort in bringing like energies together.  When we have a large focal point of love and light, it has a lasting impact.  Never underestimate your own abilities or power.  True Love is a powerful energy that many run away from, as can be seen in many soul connections.  What remains between those connections, is a pure energy – unconditional love.

True love will always find a way to bring a happy smile, a euphoria, a utopia as well as a compatible energy to help on your journey.  Relationship templates are being shattered, and no doubt new ones will be created.  Perhaps we are raising the “standards” for all future relationships on this planet.  It is only society that has imposed how it shall be etc.  As we break the trends we release all stigmas too.

Enjoy What You Have Within!

Love transcends all things known to man – what we feel no-one else can say or determine, for that is our soul essence.  When you feel it, there is no definition or explanation – it simply is just the most wonderful feeling inside.  Now we can feel it within, imagine the possibilities – we are taking baby steps in this new found love energy.

It will take some time for us to really get in tune with it, there are no rule books for this – so it is up to each and every one of us to adjust.  When we are all aligned, can you see the possibilities?  We are the grid of love and light, and together we are raising the vibrations of this wonderful planet.  What is next is perhaps not for us to know, let’s just enjoy what we have discovered within, and let’s play like a child!

About the author:  Deane has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new templates. He has a passion and in-depth understanding of past life memory, its interpretation and how to address this in current life. To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unraveling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth! 

Image: Pixabay

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