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Tag: Mother Nature

Did We Inherit Our Genes From Extraterrestrial DNA?

Did We Inherit Our Genes From Extraterrestrial DNA?

By on October 11, 2019 in Extraterrestrials, Science with 0 Comments

Did we inherit our genes from an advanced alien race that seeded life on our planet and genetically engineered our species in their image?

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Ascension Continues But The Reality Is Real, Also!

Ascension Continues But The Reality Is Real, Also!

By on September 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Trying to figure out this journey is something that has challenged many for centuries, and this will remain the case for us also.  The mind and its complexity, especially for those more mature beings who have to transcend so much.  It is a daily task to stay balanced and not be drawn into the lower vibrations, and one that we will continue to endure.  We recognise there is no turning back as we are confronted with living in this confusing reality.

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Where Is Home And Why Are We Here?

Where Is Home And Why Are We Here?

By on May 15, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

We are shattering the veils of illusion at a tremendous rate, and we are gaining momentum.  As our energy and vibration rise, we begin to see the bigger picture much more clearly.  The higher we ascend the more we see, and the more we are touching others.  We are the lighthouses for those who are seeking a new direction.

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Why Do We Fear Death?

Why Do We Fear Death?

By on May 6, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Caroline Nettle It is said that the only two things in life that are certain are death and taxes and that seems to be the case. Everything in the world around us is constantly changing. We have to let go of traditions, adapt to social, political and financial changes in the world in order […]

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Why Do We Choose To Be Born?

Why Do We Choose To Be Born?

By on January 16, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Caroline Nettle, Many people ask what the purpose of life is here on earth. It seems to be one of the eternal questions that is thought provoking and emotive, depending on your view of life, death, and why we come here. Firstly, we choose to come to earth to have experiences and feel life […]

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Is What I’m Feeling All ‘Mine’?

Is What I’m Feeling All ‘Mine’?

By on June 14, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

As an energetic and sensitive being, you can be sure that your emotions, perspectives, and physical ailments are not usually ‘all yours’. You are constantly processing and responding to information that you receive from all of the frequencies in and around you, as well as those from mass consciousness or from the “oneness” of which we are all part and connected. For light workers, empaths, or others of higher frequency, that impact is even greater than it is for the rest of the population.

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Have You Experienced Interference With People Close To You?

Have You Experienced Interference With People Close To You?

Those of us who continue to raise our vibration are moving away from the realm where we can be energetically attacked. Because of this, the Draco/Reptilian Archonic agenda has ramped up to affect those around us. This ploy is designed to attempt to lower our vibration through interpersonal contact with those that we have contact with.

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21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression

21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression

By on May 4, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Depressed? Check out Max and Lana’s 21 tips to better understand, minimize, or avoid depression!

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