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Tag: WayShower

22 Spiritual Things That Have Become The Norm Since 2012

22 Spiritual Things That Have Become The Norm Since 2012

By on February 2, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

How many ways has your spirituality grown since 2012? Do you feel more spiritual now than in 2012?  The following shows 22 spiritual things that have become the norm since 2012.

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2017 To 2025 – What To Expect In This 9 Year Cycle

2017 To 2025 – What To Expect In This 9 Year Cycle

By on August 18, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Humanity has entered a most pivotal period in Gaia’s history. The earth year of 2017 is known to many cross galaxies to be the pedestal of change.

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ENERGY UPDATE – Adjusting To New Energy

ENERGY UPDATE – Adjusting To New Energy

By on March 22, 2017 in Energy Updates

With the recent Equinox energies, has come a very long awaited for shift of Gaia into 5D Christ Consciousness energy – that is in a settling in/transition phase/process.

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ENERGY UPDATE – Higher Dimension Level Shift

ENERGY UPDATE – Higher Dimension Level Shift

By on January 17, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Calm, quiet and peaceful in a new way…in a new space of a new connection to Self and the Divine of a higher dimensional level. This is how one feels after going through the recent peak of energies of a ‘Dark Night of the Soul‘. (Refer to Part 1 as […]

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Intentions, Frequency, Karma And Cellular Communication – Preparations For 2017

Intentions, Frequency, Karma And Cellular Communication – Preparations For 2017

By on December 14, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Shawn-Dee Scott, Contributing Writer, 2017 is a year one, symbolizing not just the beginning of another 9 year cycle (Mother earth and her children is presently culminating a 9 year cycle right now!) but also a beginning or renewal for consciousness on both planetary and individual levels. The outcome of the U.S elections with […]

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As The Super Masculine Guys Wake-Up, Your Roles Change

As The Super Masculine Guys Wake-Up, Your Roles Change

By on November 26, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I find it interesting to experience/observe. I can see their desire to expose/honor their hearts, yet their confusion at losing their masculine persona if they do. I can see their beauty, magnificence and purity of their soul and their not knowing how to BE a MAN and feel all this stuff emerging within them. I can also see them put stronger walls up trying their best to hold on to old realities not true anymore, fear of feeling, hurt, failure and losing control, letting anyone in, being let down, abandoned, judged….. which do not occur on NEW Earth.

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WayShowers, LightKeepers And Crystalline Grid Keepers – You Are Called Now To Step Up

WayShowers, LightKeepers And Crystalline Grid Keepers – You Are Called Now To Step Up

By on November 12, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Lisa Brown, You are called now to step up in a whole new way, to be more visible AS LOVE and THE LIGHT of purity, integrity, honor and sacred respect, and compassion more than ever before. You are to shine the light of the NEW SYSTEMS ALREADY IN PLACE that we’ve already been building […]

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