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22 Spiritual Things That Have Become The Norm Since 2012

By on February 2, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

22 Spiritual Things That Have Become The Norm Since 2012

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How many ways has your spirituality grown since 2012? Do you feel more spiritual now than in 2012?  The following shows 22 spiritual things that have become the norm since 2012.

by Isabella Greene,
Contributing Writer,


Human collective is in the process of creating new reality and the New Earth, but first and foremost, embodying the new type of being that we presently perceive as the “New Human”. Things are starting to take tangible shape right here right now. We are already observing the signs of what is becoming the “new normal” for many today.

We all know that 2012 was the turning point, the year of the “energetic big bang”. That year represents the moment within the infinite now when the ripple effect finally reached enough momentum to tip the mass consciousness scale, and to shift the course of evolution of our Planet from self-destruction to mass awakening. Yes, of course there were awakened people prior to 2012, but we have to agree that over the last six years the number of the awakened ones has grown exponentially.

My job as a Wayshower is to be a bit ahead of the game. To embody, live it and tell. Here are the 22 things that in my observation and personal experience have become a norm since 2012.

1. Meditation

Meditation is no longer “weird”. It has become an essential part of life. Daily meditative practice is as much a part of our routine as brushing teeth or eating. It is no longer looked at as a “chore” or yet another thing to do that’s difficult to find time for. We now understand all of the numerous benefits and reasons for meditating. Not only that, we actually enjoy and look forward to it.

2. Good health

Good physical health and high energy are the side-effects that accompany the awakening process. The more awakened we are, the higher our frequency, the better the health. Good physical health and high level of energy in awakened community is no longer a surprise to anyone.

3. Amplified senses

When the pineal gland is decalcified and the third eye opens, all of our senses amplify from 25 to over 50 percent. It feels like the “volume” of life’s experience is turned up. This has little to do with the state of the sensory organs themselves. We simply gain access to the mechanism that helps us experience everything around us in the whole new, more pronounced way.


4. Synchronicities

Synchronicities no longer surprise us. Strings of numbers, songs, people, objects, appearance of spirit animals, sequence of words, little personal magical pointers of all sorts that to our great amazement used to come into our awareness only once in a while, have now become a permanent feature of our reality. Synchronicities are simply a part of the tapestry of our everyday lives, similar to the little lines on internal maps we are following. They show up everywhere we look, constantly giving us clues and confirming that we indeed are on the right track.

5. Clear guidance and intuition

We are now accustomed to knowing the voice, or rather the feeling, of our internal guidance. The GPS of our intuition is on at all times. We no longer have to listen hard nor put any effort into receiving that guidance. It is here, it is present, it has become a vital part of us, leading us gently from step to step, from miracle to miracle.

6. Miracles

Miracles are becoming pretty common. We are observing all that used to be rare and “inexplicable” happening every month, every week, even few times a week sometimes. On one hand we understand the mechanism and are getting used to it, on another, we are still mesmerized as these events often show up “out of nowhere” and seem “unexplainable” from any reasonable 3D perspective.

7. 5D manifesting

We are also getting used to instant 5D manifesting. This often ties into the category of occurrences that we still perceive as “miracles”. It’s when you really want something and it just shows up “all by itself”. No more superhuman effort is requires, only alignment. Stuff “just happens” and in incredibly short time too. A lot of us might still be working on this one, but there is a solid number of people on this planet who actually got it. This is also called “being in perfect alignment” or living within our flow.

8. Ease of living

“Being in alignment” or within our flow creates the ease of living. Those embodying the flow are living the lives of low drama, low stress and low suffering. They really do always arrive at the right place at the right time. Their co-creation of perfectly aligned reality is near effortless. Given that the whole human experience is about contrast, we still get some of the “discomfort” too, but it is nowhere near what we used to experience in the past. If I had to give an average, I would say that the general ratio of ease to difficulty within the awakened community at this time seems to be about 60 to 40.

9. Freedom from fear

This includes trust in what is and freedom from the Matrix. We are no longer sold on blindly doing what we are told. We no longer live in fear of the system, nor the need to follow its rules out of fear. We have arrived at the state of being where we trust in the flow and the perfect alignment of things. We follow our inner guidance and the true calling of our hearts instead of prescribed ways of the system. Many of the awakened ones have gone mostly or even completely off the grid.

10. Inspired action

Given what we presently know and who we have become, inspired action is the only “to do list” that makes sense for us to follow. Guided by intuition and the calling of our hearts, we know exactly what feels “right” to us and when. We also know that the thread of true joyful inspiration flawlessly leads us on our paths. It also effortlessly creates exactly what we desire for the highest good of our lives and the highest good of all. Inspired action anchors our missions into this reality paving the way of the New Human into the New Earth.

11. Co-creative responsibility and self-awareness

We have awakened. This means we have recognized and accepted ourselves as creators of our own experiences. We have taken responsibility for ourselves, our actions, our choices and lives. Through the process of awakening and intensive self-work, we have grown in every possible way and have become self-aware and conscious.

12. Change in relationships

We are noticing that relationships both with self and people in our lives changed. We have learned much about reasons and ways human beings behave. We have arrived at the state that allows us to receive and understand both others and self from the place of compassion, forgiveness and love. We understand the lessons and the growing process and we no longer operate from reactive space of judgment, blame and victimhood. All of the above makes us more balanced and peaceful in all of our relationships.

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13. Authentic and telepathic communication

As we have learned to own our choices, being truly ourselves became easier too. This naturally leads us into open authentic communication. With those on the same wavelength telepathic communication is fast becoming a norm too.

14. Ability to feel, see and work with energy

Our senses and abilities are amplified, our third eyes are on, our DNA is constantly upgrading. We are now able to feel, see, work with, adjust and manipulate energy. We also know we too are just energy condensed. This knowledge has become a fact of life and no one is any longer surprised.

15. Sacred sexuality

Our entire approach and understanding of sexuality has changed based on what we presently know and have become. We are drawn to expand our experiences beyond the obvious and into the space commonly known as “Sacred Sexuality”. The old purely physical ways that did not involve understanding of human energetics are starting to appear more and more out of alignment.

16. Access to the subconscious

Our devoted meditative practice has given us a gift beyond any other: access to the “black box” of our own operating system, the subconscious. We have become able to enter, understand and alter our previously hidden memories, conditioning and patterns.

17. Super-fast emotional processing

Let’s face it: if we are born on Earth and are older than 3, we require emotional processing. That’s just the part of the deal in this density. The good news is: with the access to the subconscious, our emotional processing is now easier and faster than ever. What used to take years, now takes days. We are simply cleaning the basements of our minds and freeing up energetic and emotional resources for new abilities, higher frequencies and knowledge.

18. Altered experience of time

Our perception of time has changed. How did the 24-hour day get so short? What happened to having that extra sense that used to know time at all times? How can three hours feel like five minutes? How can this morning feel like it was a week ago? How can a week ago feel like years have gone by? We are shifting within dimensions where time as a construct is either very different or does not exist at all. And we sure can feel it. We have also learned that we can work with and influence time.

19. Meeting people we know from “past lives”

We are recognizing people we meet for the first time. Not just one rare individual, but entire soul groups. We might experience the sense of déjà vu or have a full-on remembrance of our shared past or parallel lives with them. They might not look anything like what we remember, they might be in a very different role in our lives too, but “somehow” we remember that we know them and the knowing is absolutely certain. This is how our soul family grows.

20. Access to the “Cosmic Google”

Suddenly we notice that we are able to pull answers to nearly all metaphysical questions directly from the quantum field of information. Sometimes we have to focus or meditate, sometimes we just instantly know. The answers come in telepathically and we have to translate them into brain-compatible format. This doesn’t always work yet, and having access to this “Cosmic Google” might still puzzle us, but the very existence of such access has become undeniable.


21. Multi-D Brain Upgrade

Not only our minds but also brains have changed. Human “hardware upgrades” have been installed through DNA and third eye activations. Brain capacity is up and we now possess what is called “multidimensional brain”. This means having awareness of and processing different realities, densities, timelines and dimensions simultaneously while also being fully-anchored in 3D.

22. Active non-physical life

We have entered the state of being where countless aspects of our non-physical lives can be experienced in a way as real and present as our physical reality. Dreamtime has become lucid and conscious for many. Installation of “multidimensional brain” has given us awareness of infinite non-physical life outside of our immediate 3D world.

We have gained access to realms, other dimensions, parallel realities, ancient timelines, multidimensional aspects of our own selves, cosmic worlds. We can experience interactions with “otherworldly”, inner-Earth and non-terrestrial beings, elementals, consciousness forms; even with our own parallel incarnations in multiple, countless simultaneous timelines. The list goes on. We are now able to participate, visit, communicate, interact with and have non-physical relationships within the infinite forever way beyond our wildest imagination or best sci-fi.

Many would read this and say: sounds, familiar. Others would say: no thank you. Some might ask how to get there. All options are a conscious choice. We live in cosmic non-interference zone of free individual will, so our choices and intentions determine the course of our paths, how much we upgrade and what exactly we experience. We have the ability to “customize” our expansion.

If our intention is strong and we are willing to take all necessary steps towards our own ascension, while also maintaining clean lifestyle, high frequency and meditative practice, we will evolve into the New Human and ascend with others onto the New Earth. No one else can do this for us. The choice is really ours.

Isabella Greene, Metaphysical Specialist, Coach, Teacher |

Image: Pixabay

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