Tag: New Earth
New Moon In Pisces The Third Eye & The Dream World
New Moon In Pisces February 19/20, 2023: Creating Art; The Dream World; Honoring All Emotions; Stepping Into Nonduality
13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth
According to late Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy research, a New Earth is being formed where many of us will go in the near future. Much of this is based on vibration, not only of our planet, but each individual on this planet.
Freedom Codes Activated
We have had some new codes activating in the last couple of days, these freedom codes are bringing forth new awareness, new realizations of the freedom that we have always held within yet did not realize their existence. At least not to the full potential, as we are ever expanding, our veils of amnesia continue to fall.
We Are On The Edge Of Galactic History!
We Are On The Edge Of Galactic History! Whether you realize it or not, we are on the edge of galactic history right now. Change is happening at an unprecedented rate as incoming solar and cosmic energies are flooding the planet.
Transcending The Illusion Of Separation Between Light Vs Dark
How does one transcend the illusion of separation between light versus dark? Find out below!
2 Oversouls Describing The Upcoming Spiritual Transformation
The following is a telepathic conversation between two oversouls regarding what it was like to have the Earth experience during this time of spiritual transformation. Are you one of the volunteers? Many of us who incarnated here right now, volunteered to come to here to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants ascend.
Is Our Search For Power Driven By 3D Ego Or 5D Soul?
What we are being called to do in the beginning of this New Earth era is to start recognizing which dimension is out in front in our search for power.
70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Upcoming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity
The following is the 70 year old prophecy of Peter Deunov, which regards the end of our civilization as we know it and the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth.
New Earth News – Creating A New Earth
My first encounter with the term “new earth” was Eckhart Tolle’s New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. I encountered it again when A Course of Love, or ACOL, came into my life. Aside from A Course in Miracles, ACOL is one of those books that has most profoundly influenced my perspective and guided me to discover my own life’s purpose: advocating for a new earth consciousness. ACOL does not provide a blueprint for the new earth; it doesn’t say what it will be, except to point out that it is new. There are no models in the old world on which to base the new one.
New Earth News – Preparation For The Upcoming Wave
At the exact point of the forthcoming ‘LIGHT WAVE’, certain humans will serve as energetic node points across GAIA. They are positioned accurately. As energetic nodes, their light will link up across the WHOLE of GAIA as a HUMAN GRID SYSTEM. They came in, this lifetime to do this, for humanity, for Gaia, her kingdoms, the solar system and beyond (ripple effect). They know who they are, they serve the WHOLE, period. So this post is specific to those individuals:
New Earth News – What is the Fifth Dimension?
Much has been written, spoken and channeled about the Fifth Dimension and humanity’s ascension into this new realm of existence.
New Earth News – Before, During and After the Event
In a recent video, QHHT Practicioner Allison Coe shared more information from her client sessions that points to the events leading to New Earth changes that could be coming very soon. She warns to take dates with a grain of salt because clients that are in a hypnotic trance have been accessing higher energies outside of time have a hard time translating time to us. However, we are all looking for some confirmation that the energetic changes that we are feeling are indeed leading to the change in reality that we are eagerly awaiting.