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2 Oversouls Describing The Upcoming Spiritual Transformation

By on March 21, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

2 Oversouls Describing The Upcoming Spiritual Transformation

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The following is a telepathic conversation between two oversouls regarding what it was like to have the Earth experience during this time of spiritual transformation.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,


Are you one of the volunteers? Many of us who incarnated here right now, volunteered to come to here to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants ascend.


So tell me, out of everything you’ve ever done what’s the craziest experience you’ve ever had?

That’s easy, Earth.

Earth? You went to Earth?


I did.

No way! You were a human?

I was.

Wow!  Are the stories about Earth true? Were they really trapped on Earth?

Some were.  I know because I was one of the volunteers.

Wait a second. You volunteered to go to Earth?

I did. I had to. I had family trapped on Earth.

But, how could you can trapped on Earth?

You had to be there to understand. On Earth, you wouldn’t remember anything.

What do you mean you wouldn’t remember anything?

I mean, you would have no memory of anything.  You wouldn’t even remember existing before Earth.

What? How is that possible?

It was designed that way. It was brilliant… to dive as deeply as possible into such ignorance, such darkness, and still find your way back to remembering who you were.  That true Mastery.

Wow, I still can’t believe you went to Earth.  Tell me more.

 Well, Earth has had its own set of laws that everyone agreed to experience, like gravity. What goes up, must come down;  like linear time, day is followed by night.

Time? What’s time?

You know how when we think of something, it manifests instantly? Well, on Earth, there was a delay. The delay is what made Earth so difficult.

Interesting. Time. So tell me more.

Before going to Earth, you would choose your family, whether you wanted to be male or female, what race you wanted to be, location on the planet… Things like that.

Oh, so you can choose your own character?

Exactly. You would enter the Earth has a baby and be completely dependent on others to teach you the rules. But since nobody could remember the rules, they made up their own rules, based on fear and giving your power away the others.

That doesn’t sound like much fun.

It wasn’t for everyone.

 What did you do while portions of you were on Earth?

I watched them. It was pretty funny.

What was so funny?

Here were these magnificent beings, playing the most unique and cutting-edge experience in the universe and they were clueless. I tried to guide them as much as possible.

Wait a second, you could communicate with them?

Yes, but they couldn’t hear me. I would show them synchronicities or send them impulses to help guide them, but they couldn’t see the signs.

Why not?

They didn’t trust themselves.

So, is that why they sent out a call for help?


Is that when you went?

No, I didn’t go in till later.  First volunteers, that they had it the worst.

What do you mean, “had it the worst”?

Well, they killed them.


They killed the volunteers.

They killed them?

Those on Earth couldn’t understand what the volunteers were telling them. The idea that they were equal to the volunteers scared them.

What were they telling them?

Common sense stuff like “all the answers you seek are inside you”.  “Everything I can do, you can do and more”.

So, they killed them?

And then they twisted the volunteers message and created even more fear.

What do you mean, more fear?

Like the message, “God is inside you” was turned into,  “You are separate from God”. The message, “All the answers you seek are inside you” was twisted into, “You can’t trust yourself”.

And they believed it?

It was out of control.

How could they believe that?

You had to be there to understand. Did you know they actually believed that they were the only intelligent life in the universe?

Now that’s funny.

Pretty crazy, I know.

So then what happened?

The designers knew that Earth was going to enter a scetion of the Galaxy that humans had never experienced before. A section filled with a frequency that might be able to reconnect the human’s DNA.

What was wrong with their DNA?

It didn’t work anymore. The thing is, their DNA was how they connected with their higher self.

So that’s why your incarnations couldn’t hear you.

Exactly, but there was a catch with the new plan. Only those incarnated on Earth could tune in to these new frequencies.

Oh, so they need more volunteers.

Yes, but this time, they were taking no chances. To pull this off, they needed millions in the physical form, wired and ready to attune to these frequencies.

Are these the 21st century humans that all the stories are about?

Yep. We volunteered from every corner of the universe to help the humans wake up.

What did the volunteers have to do once they got there?

We had to wake ourselves up, attune to these frequencies and spread them to the rest of the planet.

That sounds impossible.

Most of those watching the Earth experiment didn’t think we could pull it off.

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So, what happened when you got to Earth?

Once on Earth, we were taught the same fear based beliefs that had been handed down for eons. We lived just like everyone else, totally clueless to who we were and what was getting ready to happen. But as soon as the Earth entered this cloud of frequencies, we started to question everything and one by one, we started to wake up.

So, the plan was working.

It was.  The more we trusted ourselves, the quicker we reconnected, and the faster we started to remember what was happening.  And since we were spread out evenly all around the planet, the planet’s frequency began to rise quickly.

What happened when the planet’s frequency began to rise?

The human’s experience of time began speeding up. They started manifesting their beliefs faster and faster. Those consumed with fear created even more fear and eventually Earth just spun out of control.

What do you mean, “spun out of control”?

These low-frequency beliefs that had control the Human experience for eons could no longer exist, so they began the self-destruct and the world fell into a complete chaos.

That sounds terrifying!

It was for those living in fear, but for us volunteers, we all knew it was the end of the old energy and the beginning of the New.

So then what happened?

A tipping point was reached in our Awakening and we created a new Earth.

A new earth? What happened to the old Earth?

It continued on, allowing those who could not let go of their fears to play out their lessons, but for us, we created a New Earth that matched our higher frequency, and it’s easy as that, all the fear-based beliefs simply fell away. In an instant, we remembered who we were. We knew we were all connected and we stopped hurting each other. We started respecting each other. We started loving each other. We took back our power to create and we created a new Earth, without fear.

Wow, so the legends are true! What an incredible experience that must have been, Nice work,


What I got out of this video

The message is very positive, yet bluntly astute.  It can be puzzling as to why some people choose to remain asleep while other are either awakening or are beginning the awakening process.


Every day, we’re receiving messages through synchronicities that confirm that we’re on the right path.  While everyone is receiving these messages, not everyone will pay attention to them.

The unspoken message is to place your thoughts and intentions into the creation of the New Earth.  Old structures, such as money, government, religion, and even the matrix, itself, will simply dissolve, fade away, or be left behind.

In time (or should I say, in the upcoming days without time), we will look back at our days of 3rd dimensional living as playing an important role in the ascension of humanity.  There isn’t one person playing a larger role than another.  We’re all in this, together!

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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