Tag: volunteers

2 Oversouls Describing The Upcoming Spiritual Transformation
The following is a telepathic conversation between two oversouls regarding what it was like to have the Earth experience during this time of spiritual transformation. Are you one of the volunteers? Many of us who incarnated here right now, volunteered to come to here to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants ascend.

Absorption Of The Incoming Crystalline Light
BALANCE is an evolutionary story of dark and light, positive and negative attractors of energies to create an electromagnetic force in the universe to hold each and every creation into ONE. Higher Beings interpret it as a dark force and an invigorating light that enlightens the universal creation thru the various stages of love, light and peace of attaining oneness with Source.

7 Signature Signs Of Starseeds And Lightworkers
Do you sometimes feel like ET trying to call home? Not sure why you are here but know you have a mission? Feel different and confused? ‘Starseed, volunteer, lightworker’ describe people who do not resonate with this reality. Here are 7 signature signs of starseed and lightworker people, and how to manage being in this dimension.

Staying In Tune With The Schumann Resonance Is Key To Our Well Being
by Joe Martino, CollectiveEvolution The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life. “Omne vivum ex vivo – all life is from life” In […]

Author, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon Passes On
Metaphysical author, speaker and past life regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon passed away this morning from unknown causes at the age of 83.