Tag: dna

So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends
After experiencing your spiritual awakening, did you noticed a change in your relationships with other people lately? Is it sometimes difficult or awkward to talk to others about spiritual awakening topics?

Starseeds And Our Human Origins
What is a starseed? Better yet, who is a star seed? If you trace the origins of human lineage, you end up with a plethora of questions. We were seeded here from various star nations. In this premise, genetic and ethnic diversity is explained. It also covers the differences in our blood types, such as Rh negative, Rh positive, A, B, AB and O blood types.

UPDATED! Beyond Imagination! The Cosmic Wildcard
Is a Cosmic Wildcard on the way to Earth? Do you feel like something really big is on the horizon but you cannot put your finger on what it is? What if there was a ‘Cosmic Wildcard’ that no one can truly imagine? There are many possibilities that could qualify as the Cosmic Wildcard, so we will try to cover a few of them.

Dreams, DNA, Ley Lines, Crystals, & More! In5D Spirit Chat
Join In5D’s Gregg Prescott for an informal Spirit Chat where we cover a ton of topics, including Dreams, DNA, Ley Lines, Crystals, & More!

Dr. Len Horowitz – Spirituality, Water, And DNA
Dr. Leonard Horowitz talks to us about spirituality, the miracle of water and how water affects our DNA.

Freedom Codes Activated
We have had some new codes activating in the last couple of days, these freedom codes are bringing forth new awareness, new realizations of the freedom that we have always held within yet did not realize their existence. At least not to the full potential, as we are ever expanding, our veils of amnesia continue to fall.

Arcturian Transmission – Event Update
Traveler teams assemble. Links are being made. Cybernet communication lines established in a chaotic, crumbling matrix. Your gag has been lifted. You are starfish in their stormy seas of dark troubles. As the dimensions slip and slide, tracking teams becomes harder. Theirs is the illusion of force, not the reality. They use technology, shadows and algorithms to monitor. Hosts record like never ending CCTV, strangers not in command of their own consciousness.

7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Come To A Sudden Stop
No matter your level of conscious awareness or the level of spiritual enlightenment that you have attained, there will come a time on your spiritual journey where you know and feel that you have made great internal progress and then suddenly… nothing.

15 Energetic Things You May Experience As Your Body Is Being Upgraded
There are many energetic things happening right now to us and you receive body upgrades. It’s coming to us through many different forms such as Gamma waves, Solar flares, Photonic light-waves and even with the Schumann frequency being off. That’s the heartbeat of the planet that is measured can be seen and measured by NASA from space.

The Anunnaki MUST Return To Fix Their Creation That Has Gone Astray
For thousands of years, our spiritual and physical capabilities have been limited through the genetic manipulation of our DNA by the Anunnaki. To modern science, this is called “Junk DNA” but in fact, the “Junk DNA” contains the dormant genetics that separate us from being literal gods and goddesses.

A New Vibration For Humanity
As you ascend from the third dimension to higher dimensions of being, different aspects of your spiritual body are being activated. You become more aware of your spiritual nature and gain a new perspective of your journey. Your are more present in your Source connection and remove the veil between the spiritual and material worlds, with access to new possibilities for your reality.

Adam Kadmon Light Body Interview
I think many of you will find this article quite fascinating. The Adam Kadmon interview originally took place in 1997 and goes on to talk about many things we are experiencing today, such as time speeding up, raising our vibration, the great shift and much more. For the record, Adam Kadmon is a phrase found in the writings of the Kabbalah meaning “original man”. Enjoy!

5 Steps To Shift From Fear To Love
Love is a vibration, a frequency. Everything we are is vibration, frequency. Our cells, atoms and quarks, the tiniest particles that make up our being, vibrate. Everything is vibrating from micro to macro, the cosmos is ever expanding, never still, always moving. The spectrum of vibratory experience is quantum, not linear.