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Tag: meditating

21 Proven Ways To Unlock Past Life Memories

21 Proven Ways To Unlock Past Life Memories

By on February 4, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In this article, we will discuss 21 ways to remember your past lives and provide resources to help you on your spiritual journey.

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11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

By on June 8, 2019 in Health, Meditation with 0 Comments

This how-to list will give you a reference point for exercises and ways to help with pineal gland decalcification.  Your pineal gland, also referred to as the 3rd eye, is a small endocrine gland in the geometric center part of your brain.  It is home to the ajna (brow) chakra and its energy is of psychic and spiritual phenomena.

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12 Ways To Calm The Overactive Mind

12 Ways To Calm The Overactive Mind

By on August 17, 2018 in Enlightening Articles, Health with 0 Comments

Do you have an overactive mind that’s always thinking about SOMETHING? Have you ever laid in bed trying to sleep while a constant stream of thoughts flow through your mind?  Do you perpetually think about random thoughts throughout the day?

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22 Spiritual Things That Have Become The Norm Since 2012

22 Spiritual Things That Have Become The Norm Since 2012

By on February 2, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

How many ways has your spirituality grown since 2012? Do you feel more spiritual now than in 2012?  The following shows 22 spiritual things that have become the norm since 2012.

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Meditation Techniques – What To Do BEFORE You Meditate!

Meditation Techniques – What To Do BEFORE You Meditate!

By on April 19, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Meditation with 0 Comments

Meditation is important, but relaxation and spiritual protection are key before meditating, as you are spiritually vulnerable to ethereal attacks.

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When The Waves Of Energy End Relationships

When The Waves Of Energy End Relationships

By on February 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, I’ve noticed a lot of people having relationship issues, myself included. I recently went through a breakup and it’s never easy. For whatever reasons, many other people are also going through this and much of it can be attributed to the incoming waves of energy. While […]

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How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective

How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective

By on January 8, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

I want to tell you a story that affects us all, and is a road map to the higher realms, and what is called Ascension. My name is Fred, and in the late 1970’s I had a relationship with a girl that was magical yet was also tumultuous and chaotic at times.

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Ascension Waves Vision

Ascension Waves Vision

By on June 10, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

There’s a buzz on the internet these days. Many people are sharing visions of our upcoming transition into the fifth dimension. The common theme foretells of three ascension waves washing over the planet. Although I believe that the prophesized waves are comprised of light rather than water, this calls to mind several visions I had in 2011.

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100 Ways To Become More Conscious: How To Raise Your Consciousness

100 Ways To Become More Conscious: How To Raise Your Consciousness

By on May 30, 2016 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Choose an activity that you enjoy that renews your sense of well-being and resonates congruently with your soul.

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Do THIS Right Before You Go To Sleep To Open Your 3rd Eye!

Do THIS Right Before You Go To Sleep To Open Your 3rd Eye!

By on May 21, 2016 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Would you like an easy way to open your 3rd eye? What I’ve found is that most people are right on the verge of having their 3rd eye opened but generally, give up right before it’s about to happen!

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7 Meditation Myths

7 Meditation Myths

By on October 22, 2015 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Despite the growing popularity of meditation, prevailing misconceptions and myths about the practice are a barrier that prevents many people from trying meditation and receiving its profound benefits for the body, mind, and spirit.

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What Happens In Meditations After Kundalini And Third Eye Activation

What Happens In Meditations After Kundalini And Third Eye Activation

By on September 18, 2015 in Meditation

Many forms of meditations are offered these days all targeted towards achieving the same exact thing: connecting to Source and our True Selves. I’ve been meditating steadily for about 5 years now; experimenting with different ways and styles. About a year ago through the teachings of one of the great present day masters I learned specific pineal gland and Kundalini activation technique that took my whole meditation experience to an entirely different level.

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The Sonic Heart Brain Resonance Pattern: Proof of Our Power to Create Peace

The Sonic Heart Brain Resonance Pattern: Proof of Our Power to Create Peace

By on September 4, 2015 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening

In this chaotic, cabal-driven world, what can we do to affect change? This is no prosaic question. It is not the hackneyed, predictable call of the flower child, or the exclusive right of the Harvard graduate in neuroscience. While the .01 percent will have us believe there is nothing we can do to make this world a better place, scientific evidence proves that peace is not only possible, but palpably, physically easy to manifest.

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Having Trouble Making Decisions?  THIS Might be WHY!

Having Trouble Making Decisions? THIS Might be WHY!

By on August 9, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Do you sometimes have trouble making simple decisions? Have you ever wondered why this happens from time to time?

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Meditating Measurably Changes The Brain Even When Not Actively Meditating

Meditating Measurably Changes The Brain Even When Not Actively Meditating

By on June 25, 2015 in Meditation

A new study has found that participating in an 8-week meditation training program can have measurable effects on how the brain functions even when someone is not actively meditating.

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