Tag: introvert

Introverts tend to be more inwardly focused, while extroverts tend to be more outwardly focused. While both introverts and extroverts have their own unique set of benefits, it is important to note that neither trait is superior to the other.

Why do introverts tend to be highly spiritual? Society dictates that we follow specific personality types projected by the main stream media, so why do introverts tend to rebel from these stereotypes?

Take This Enlightening Introvert Extrovert Test! What Are YOUR Personality Test Letters?
Take the Introvert – Extrovert Test! A personality test can tell you a lot about yourself and how you interact with others. This particular personality test will tell you whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. It will also give you possible career ideas of you’re looking for a direction to go in life and will match it to your specific personality type.

30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People
Do you feel like you are wired differently than most people? At times, do you feel like you don’t “fit in” on this planet? Did you ever wonder why things feel so differently to you, but not to other people? Have you noticed strange anomalies within yourself that the general population doesn’t seem to experience? This article might help you to understand WHY.

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud to Be an Introvert
In this article, you will find out why it’s a good thing to be an introvert, if you are one.

8 Signs You May Be an Outgoing Introvert
There are introverts, extroverts, and then there’s you – falling somewhere in between. The term “outgoing introvert” is an oxymoron on par with “jumbo shrimp” and “deafening silence,” but for people who fall into this category, life can be an unusual mix of traits and tendencies that only they can truly appreciate. So what are the signs that you’re an outgoing introvert?

The Psychology Of Control Freaks
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Why do people feel the need to control others and what lessons can we learn from both sides of this dilemma? Controlling people generally fall into the Type A personality classification. These people are controlling, very competitive, self-critical, experience a constant sense of urgency, can be […]

Will You Take That Chance? I Did.
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Most of the people on this planet are complacent with what they’re doing for a living. For some, they receive a great income for doing something they terribly dislike and for others, they are underpaid but love what they do. Just about everyone else falls somewhere […]

An Introvert’s Brain Vs. An Extrovert’s Brain
New research has shed physiological light on the differences in the brains between both introverts and extroverts and the finding make understanding both groups of people a little easier.

Yes, I Am An Introvert!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Society often ridicules the introvert and makes us feel as though we are socially inadequate, but this is a myth, not fact. The difference between the introvert and the extrovert simply boils down to energy. The extrovert receives energy from being with others while the introvert […]

The Life Of An Introvert Described By 17 Different Graphs
By Seth M ExpandedConsciousness Introverts are a special type of people. I myself find that I have very introverted tendencies, mannerisms, and behaviors, and it seems as though fellow introverts can usually pick up on the vibes that we put off. Finding a fellow introvert is fun because you get to enjoy talking about all […]

10 Ways Introverts Interact Differently With The World
by Alena Hall, Introverts and extraverts may seem the same on the surface, but if you look at the way they respond to life’s everyday occurrences, differences begin to emerge. Last month, for example, Science of Us writer Melissa Dahl reported on findings from psychologist Brian Little’s latest book on personality science, Me, Myself, and […]

10 Signs You Are Probably An Ambivert
If you are not the textbook example of an introvert or an extravert, do not fear. You might be an ambivert!

10 Surprising Facts About How Our Brain Works
One of the things that surprises me time and time again is how we think our brains work and how they actually do.