Tag: james gilliland

ET’s Are Helping With Dimensional Shift
James Gilliland stated the Anunnaki, along with other benevolent higher dimensional beings and the Council of 12, are working in unison to bring our civilization and planet into higher states of consciousness.

Your Ability To Remember Who You Are Has Just Been Restored
Remember who you are has been repeated over and over in our awakening in order for us to begin standing in the power of who we are. Many people have been able to use various tools and methods to achieve this understanding. However even many of the awakened humans have had a difficult time because of the matrix control grid. There has always been a plan to activate remembrance, and this plan was just activated to the next level.

Massive Burst Of 7th Dimensional Transformational Gamma Rays Are Expected To Arrive By December 26th
A massive burst of transformational gamma rays are expected to arrive by December 26th, 2016.

James Gilliland – Enlightened Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligences
This presentation by James Gilliland was hosted by UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, NSW, Australia on the 6 February 2016.

James Gilliland: Hang In There, Big Shifts
I have been observing consciousness shifts as of late on a grand scale. There has also been a lot of movement on the ground with the White Hats. It is like the Titanic is sinking, the rats are jumping ship and saving their own skin by testifying, giving depositions that will be the foundation for the dark hearts demise. The hidden and nefarious deeds of the past are surfacing for all to see. The arrests will escalate all the way to the top.

Your Cosmic Download
by Kendra, Contributing writer, In5D.com Could you be sabotaging your ability to download information from a higher consciousness? Information that is pertinent to the sole purpose, mission and reason for you being here? There is a war raging right now for control over your focus, thoughts and manifesting power. Revelation is merely a dramatic realization […]

Are All Spirit Guides Of The False Light?
Who am I really calling upon when I ask my “guides and angels” for help? They could be genies (djinns) that pose as angels and helpers from the astral realm, and these types usually want something in return. Recognizing motive and paying attention to your body’s intuition and discernment signals can help you figure out if you are dealing with a being that is benevolent or malevolent.