Tag: law of attraction

Destiny or Fate: Is Your Life Predetermined?
Do you ever wonder if your life is predetermined or if you have the power to shape your own destiny? Are the events of your life set in stone or can you change the course of your fate? As you journey through life, it’s natural to question the role of fate and destiny in shaping your experiences.

Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude
The Law of Attraction will bring you whatever is predominantly on your mind. What if you were able to change future events right now by simply thinking positive thoughts and affirmations? Even the simplest things make a difference, such as letting a car into heavy traffic or opening the door for someone.

My Ayahuasca Experiences
I did my first 2 day Ayahuasca retreat last year in August of 2018. In that first 2 day ceremony, I didn’t have nearly as much happen as this one. Mostly what I remember that happened was the first night I received a very powerful neurological pathways activation in my head. It was during the part of the ceremony where the shaman did the healing. It was such a powerful activation that I was out of it the rest of the time there.

How To Find Your Life Purpose
One of the most common questions I hear is, “What is my life purpose?” To be honest, the answer is right in front of your nose! According to the late Dolores Cannon, “The side effect of doing something you love… what you’re supposed to be doing, is perfect health. When you’re in tune with what you’re supposed to be doing, you don’t get sick.”

Quantum Double Slit Experiment Shows The Importance Of Focused Intention
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com One of the most important discoveries in the field of metaphysics is the double slit experiment, which clearly shows how focused intent changes the outcome of virtually every situation imaginable. This is one of the key elements in the Law of Attraction, which the book and […]

The Secret
This may be the most influential video I have ever seen because it truly DOES work! The Secret is based on the “Law of Attraction” which basically will bring you whatever is predominantly on your mind.

Be Careful What You Wish For
Not long ago I spoke with someone who told me that the law of attraction was used in a sales training at the company where he works. You were taught how, among other things, you can manifest money in your life. Also many books have been written about it and entrepreneurs apply the law of attraction in order to earn even more money so that they can live the life they have always dreamed of. And they teach to other people how to use the law of attraction. There is nothing against making money at all, because money is neutral. But what matters is what you do with it.

Ascension – The Biology Of Altering Perception
On the 11/11, I received a large download of cosmic information related to ascension as I was falling asleep. It was a long stream of images and concepts – I hope I can do justice to translating this amazing 5D language of light into the limited 3D language of words.

Ascension Mastery Through The 12 Universal Laws
Through our many lifetimes, the aim of everyone who incarnates on schoolhouse Earth is spiritual ascension. Just prior to our arrival, we are tasked by our higher self to learn and master a set of lessons — both individual and collective — created to assist us in our awakening process. Often our soul will have us to return to Earth to experience similar situations and relationships in order for us to resolve our challenges and ancestral karma.

Time Traveling In Your Dreams
The thought of time traveling has always fascinated me. On a gut level, I truly feel this is a possibility. Even when I think of some of my favorite movies, they involve time travel, such as Back to the Future and Somewhere in Time.

You Are Living In The Matrix
by Paige Bartholomew, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Reality Is Not What It Seems. Your world is a hologram. When you read those words, what comes up for you? Confusion? Wonder? Excitement? Terror? It is a little disconcerting to think about reality not being what we think it is. If you can hang with me, I think you’ll […]

How The Double Slit Experiment Explains Paradoxes And The Law Of Attraction
The double slit experiment is one of the most amazing studies in quantum physics because it shows us the importance of focused intention and how it affects our reality.

Starseeds – Awakening The Divine Blueprint
4 Universal Laws That Make or Break Your Manifestations by Melissa Blue Ray, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Many of us starseeds and lightworkers have incarnated here from higher realms and ascended planets to assist humanity in this time of change and transition. As this awakening has started to unfold, we have felt a calling to discover a […]

Napoleon Hill – The Secret and MUCH More!
By now, we have all heard of ‘The Secret’ and the Law of Attraction but there is much more to this that has been obscured throughout time!