Tag: law of attraction

Shift Symptoms While Going From A Carbon Base To A Crystalline Silicon Body
from the Book, “The Diamond Codes : Light Information For The New Reality” by Celia Fenn, Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been […]

Spiritual Awakening Crash Course – 3 Things You REALLY Need To Know
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com As the world exponentially awakens, many people are trying to find the truth as to why things have played out this way so far as well as finding his or her own inner truth. While the journey of enlightenment is a trip for the sole soul, […]

4 Questions To Ask Yourself When The Law of Attraction Isn’t Working
Wondering why the Law of Attraction “isn’t working” on one of your dreams? Below are a few questions to ask yourself to pinpoint your area of resistance.

Breaking Myths And Misconceptions About The Law Of Attraction And Crushing The Confusion Surrounding It
Most of us have seen the “The Secret.” We’ve probably heard that “you become what you think about most “ and “thoughts become things.” We’ve devoted ourselves to the teachings of Abraham Hicks and Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith. We’ve all bought into “the power of positive thinking” and “don’t be negative.”

8 Steps To Practicing Light Magic
The time we have all been waiting for has arrived, and we can now take off the training wheels. We are basking in the waves of energies of the magic of instant manifestation and creation. Mastering magic through the use of the waves of light energy is the next step in our quest for morphing into a 5d “New Earth” reality.

How To Never Be Sick Again And Raise Your Vibration, Simultaneously (From A 5D Perspective)
My Story was told in my article “How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective”. I want all to realize though that the information I offer is from the 5D world, and just not an interpretation of events happening in, on or above our planet.

How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective
I want to tell you a story that affects us all, and is a road map to the higher realms, and what is called Ascension. My name is Fred, and in the late 1970’s I had a relationship with a girl that was magical yet was also tumultuous and chaotic at times.

Law Of Attraction – Our Thoughts Become Our Reality
The Cosmic Law of Attraction states that, “like attracts like.” We are energy-based beings that transmit a certain electromagnetic frequency and energy vibration that attracts those most like us, to us. These bonds will become natural and when you meet those who seem to share in similar frequency and vibration, you hit it off easily and quickly.

SCIENCE: Higher Frequency Results From Vibrational Levels Increasing
We have all heard about the importance of raising our vibrational levels and becoming higher frequency, but now, science can show us why (and how) this is important! by Rich Fiori, Contributing Writer,In5D,.com Copenhagen Consciousness Interpretation What caused that? In the world of particle waves, the occurrence doesn’t have a cause as we define it. […]

5 Easy Tips To Reduce Negativity On Your Facebook Feed
Would you like to reduce negativity on your Facebook feed so you can scroll in peace? If you are trying to raise your vibration, you may have noticed that your Facebook feed can be a real landmine.

Law Of Attraction Basics: 9 Steps In The Art Of Joy
point was the richest person in America, who commissioned Napoleon Hill to write “Think and Grow Rich” in 1937 to celebrities today that credit their success to Law of Attraction.

5th Dimension Consciousness
We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher consciousness. We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness. The following is what one may experience once they have reached 5th dimension consciousness and beyond

12 Signs That You’re Mastering The Law Of Attraction
How do know when you’re mastering the Law of Attraction? There are a number of signs that a person is learning how to use the Law of Attraction to his or her highest advantage.

Are Your Desires REALLY Your Desires?
I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been experiencing a wave of new understandings about the Law of Attraction and the process of conscious creation.

It’s True – Your Mind Plays Tricks On You
Like all people, I experience a range of emotions, some high and some low. At this point in my life, I’ve learned how to raise my vibration deliberately, and I am pretty good at hanging around in happiness for longer periods of time, but I’ve noticed my mind plays tricks on me when I’m in the lower vibrations. My guess is that yours does too!