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Law Of Attraction – Our Thoughts Become Our Reality

By on November 28, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Law Of Attraction - Our Thoughts Become Our Reality

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,

The Cosmic Law of Attraction states that, “like attracts like.” We are energy-based beings that transmit a certain electromagnetic frequency and energy vibration that attracts those most like us, to us. These bonds will become natural and when you meet those who seem to share in similar frequency and vibration, you hit it off easily and quickly. There will be a sense of knowing them before as you seem to “pick up where you last left off.” This could be in the form of soulmates with whom you have lived a past life with and are already familiar.


Now we are all evolving and changing as we ascend into higher levels of consciousness. I’ve mentioned before that as we grow and change into the higher aspects of ourself, we will also begin to attract those most like us and intermittently fall away from those with whom we no longer resonate with. This is the Law of Attraction in the physical form, but there is also the Law of Attraction “in thought” that is the most powerful of all.

Our thoughts and perceptions of situations and circumstances are what fuels us into action and reaction. When something happens to us that we “deem” as tragic or unfavorable, we get to choose at that very moment in time, how we want to respond. Often times, there are two distinct versions of reaction: negative or positive. The negative reaction may cause you feel anger, vengeance, sadness, depression, or victimized. The positive side may show you soul growth, lessons, gratitude, forgiveness, appreciation, love or any and all combinations. You may wax and wean with emotions between the negative and positive view points, changing direction as your pendulum of perception also swings to and fro. This is a very natural reaction to any given situation.

You have the power to choose how you want to react and ultimately view your position. When that pendulum stops swinging back and forth, and comes to a halt, you have an important decision to make; what do you want to learn or take away from this experience? Your choice perpetuates your thoughts and then becomes your reality.

How we create our reality most is through thought and visualization. The more you think it, the more you visualize it, and then create this to be your experience. If you choose to attract more “negative” thoughts in any given setting by the energy you visualize and send out into the universe, this all gets attracted back to you. You may continue what you desire to experience less. You again, have the power to change direction at any point in time by shifting gears and deciding to view things differently.

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As we are increasing in consciousness collectively this becomes a common struggle for most. To not only recognize when we are triggered into an unfavorable reaction, but to have the awareness to change it before it perpetuates too far and too long. There is of the utmost importance for us to learn how to process information differently, knowing that all things happen for a divine reason. It’s not for us to decide what happens to us and who we meet, but we certainly have the choice in how we wish to respond. Your degree of happiness essentially becomes determined by the quality of your thoughts, and the power of attraction will take it from there…

~Adeana M. Slater


About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath and Lightworker who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time. She is a single mother of four children and full time Registered Nurse.

Image: Pixabay

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