Tag: life purpose

How To Find Your Life Purpose – Spirit Chat #lifepurpose #5d #in5d
One of the most common questions I hear is, “What is my life purpose?” To be honest, the answer is right in front of your nose!

How To Find Your Life Purpose
One of the most common questions I hear is, “What is my life purpose?” To be honest, the answer is right in front of your nose! According to the late Dolores Cannon, “The side effect of doing something you love… what you’re supposed to be doing, is perfect health. When you’re in tune with what you’re supposed to be doing, you don’t get sick.”

The Dark Night Of The Soul
At some point in your life, you will experience the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ where it seems that everything that can possibly go wrong, will go wrong. What many people fail to realize is that this is a true blessing.

What Is My Role Or Purpose In This Spiritual Awakening?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com What is my role and why am I here? Many people often wonder what role they should be playing during this spiritual awakening while others ponder their purpose during their present incarnation. Before you incarnated here Before you decided to incarnate here, you were connected to […]

In5D Facebook Live Ep. #4 – Gregg Prescott – Cities of Light, Walk-Ins, Life Purpose, Dreams, UFOs, and MORE!
In this episode of In5D Facebook Live, Gregg Prescott talks about the Cities of Light, Walk-Ins, Life Purpose, Dreams, UFOs, and MORE! Follow along with Live Chat: https://www.facebook.com/gregg.prescott/videos/10209143141087279/ If you would like to join in on my In5D Facebook Live, simply “Follow” me on Facebook and join in: https://www.facebook.com/gregg.prescott Articles mentioned in this video: Change […]

Living Out Of Love, Not Fear
The following is written based on my personal experiences. While I do not belong to any one religious institution, I acknowledge all forms of religion to have various perspectives with many common traits. The most common trait that sometimes gets distorted is the message of Love.

Are You Ready To Liberate Humanity?
Do you have an inner yearning but can’t figure out what it really is? Nothing seems to really fulfill this inner yearning you have. You want something deeper out of life but you just don’t know what. You’ve looked in every direction possible to find something that will give you excitement, and satisfaction out of life but you came up short every time.

Top 30 Spiritual Terms You Should Know
As a person climbs the ladder of spiritual progression in this lifetime, there are particular terms that describe various stages of development. In order to maximize the opportunity of this lifetime, there are at least thirty important spiritual terms you should become familiar with. All of these terms are part of the reason we incarnated and mastering the meaning of each of these is likened to initiation. When you master the initiations you prove that you are ready to move to the next experience.

Reveal Your Life’s Purpose by Asking These 15 Questions
by Stevie P You came here for a reason, didn’t you? You can feel it in the depths of your being. Your life is inconceivably meaningful. You arrived on Earth for a purpose. What that purpose is, you have to uncover (and create) yourself. It’s an epic quest from cradle to grave, and that’s what […]

Am I Living My Life Purpose as a Light Worker?
by Max and Lana, Contributing writers, In5D.com Each day, many people on this planet who have the luxury of a few minutes to wonder, ask themselves if they are truly living a life that is aligned with their personal purpose. ‘Am I in the right place or doing what I came here to do in […]

How To Discover Your Life Purpose In About 20 Minutes
How do you discover your real purpose in life? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re here at all — the very reason you exist.

It’s Time to Wake Up, Starseeds!
Most Star Seeds that I have met are either professional intuitives, healers, channelers, mediums. This however, does not make Starseeds any more special than other people. I have found through my encounters with other Star Seeds, that while they always have the purist intention to help others, they tend to get a little wrapped up in their own heads, and block others from coming into their space.

Everyone Chooses A Life Theme Before Incarnating. Which Did YOU Choose?
I could identify with many of these themes and wonder if that is a sign of being an old soul? Ultimately, I could boil them all down to 2 or 3 themes, although I’m still not sure which one I’m on and wonder if it’s possible to have more than one in any given particular incarnation.