Tag: LIGHT BEing

You Evolve In Light, As You Become A Light BEing
by Lisa Brown, Yes… as you evolve in light, as you become a Light BEing, those BEings you used to fear, those beings that used to only exist etherically, you are evolving (back) INTO one of “them”. WE, as Light BEings do not have the lower emotions that humans have, WE do not have the […]

From De-construction Of The Physical To Creating A Whole New Earth Foundation Of Stability From Within
7 years ago I found myself in the “Expedited Great De-Construction phase” of my own Spirit’ual/Soul awakening, yet was not aware that this was what it was.

Energy Update – Dramatic Reality Shaking And Shifts Coming
by Lisa Brown, Dramatic reality shaking and shifts coming for those who hang on from a place of separation, ego, stubbornness, passive resistance and keep trying to re-create the old unconscious realities in their worlds. These higher vibrations do not allow for this. “Nip it in the bud” is a huge part of our realities […]