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Tag: light bodies

The Necessity Of Density For Our Ascension

The Necessity Of Density For Our Ascension

By on March 13, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Leena Colibri, Contributing Writer, Every ounce of density, challenges and pain we live in and face in this and any life, serves the purpose of giving us something to work and be with, yet also push against as we grow. Our personal growth accelerates with every bit of strength we muster in order to […]

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ENERGY UPDATE – Massive Wave of Pain Body Physical Purging & Release

ENERGY UPDATE – Massive Wave of Pain Body Physical Purging & Release

By on January 7, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Oh the pain body is releasing so so much…as we breathe and release the balls or pockets of niggly energy of the old (previous BB post) and in old I mean pre-2017. Of all we have shifted through in bringing through our new earth light bodies. As the last ‘place’ […]

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September Timeline Waves

September Timeline Waves

By on August 31, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Diane Canfield, 2016 has been a banner year for Ascension Energy Waves. We have already had more than 10 energy waves coming in that I have written articles about and that is only going back 6 months in time. I reported back on August 1st that the energy waves were now booming into one […]

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Own Your Body

Own Your Body

By on April 27, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kim Hutchinson, Contributing Writer, During a recent conversation with my higher self, I received an unexpected message. She told me to “own my body”. I spent the day wondering what exactly that meant. Honoring Your Body’s Wisdom I still was mulling over the advice when Steve started telling me about a friend’s experience in […]

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3 Tips to Manifest Your Desires

3 Tips to Manifest Your Desires

By on October 5, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

At your current level of evolution, you are not able to instantaneously manifest your desires. However, you can increase your success rate of manifesting your desires by understanding how thought works.

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Q & A With A Pleiadian Sirian Walk-In

Q & A With A Pleiadian Sirian Walk-In

By on June 18, 2015 in Indigos

by A.L.,  SalemCtr Interviewer’s Note: Kelemeria looks just like anyone else. And when she talks, she has that funny Boston accent that many of us are blessed with. But even though Kelemeria looks and talks like a normal person, she is a very unusual person. She is not from around here. She is a walk-in. […]

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Recoding To 12 Strand DNA Sequence And Entering Into The Photon Belt

Recoding To 12 Strand DNA Sequence And Entering Into The Photon Belt

By on February 10, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Trey Abernethy Contributing Writer, Medical science has established that we have 2 strands of DNA and 10 strands of ‘junk’ DNA, but they have not understood the purpose of that ‘junk’” DNA. Recent information has revealed its higher purpose; supporting a multidimensional consciousness, our natural state. Realigning, reconnecting and activating our 10 strands of […]

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Aligning With Your Soul Purpose

Aligning With Your Soul Purpose

By on January 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

For many years, we have been preparing for the times we are in now. There is a feeling at the moment of getting our affairs in order, clearing out and organizing our home and purging things that we’ve held on to for years. We are experiencing opportunities for clearing on an emotional level and purging physical items that are cluttering our home is symbolic of this deeper release.

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