Aligning With Your Soul Purpose
by Nancy Leilah Ward
For many years, we have been preparing for the times we are in now. There is a feeling at the moment of getting our affairs in order, clearing out and organizing our home and purging things that we’ve held on to for years. We are experiencing opportunities for clearing on an emotional level and purging physical items that are cluttering our home is symbolic of this deeper release.
I’ve also been noticing anxiety for no apparent reason – just a nervous buzz of energy. Some have described it as impending doom or waiting for the other shoe to drop. The message I am getting is that it has to do with energy upgrades – meaning higher frequencies coming in. These frequencies bring change. It helps to navigate them by having the conscious intention of letting go of what no longer serves us (the “uncomfortable comfort zone”). We may feel anxiety about letting go of the familiar, even if it is something that we don’t want to hold onto anymore.
These higher frequencies I often write about come in pulsating waves. We integrate the wave, then there’s a pause before another higher wave comes in, and we integrate that, and so on. These frequencies are often pulsated through the sun. They are moving through the Universe and, through electro-magnetism, the sun draws the energy in and then amplifies it through solar flares, sending it throughout our solar system. When we start to feel the anxiety or restlessness we can try taking a moment to bask in the energy and breathe into our center, tuning in to our experience as we feel chaotic energies spinning around us. It’s time to let our thoughts go – stop trying to describe what’s going on – embrace the chaos and dance with the messy dissonance of change.
Feelings from out of nowhere
There have been times recently when I’ve experienced painful, negative feelings from my early years being triggered within me. I find it amazing that I can still cave into that place of despair or self-recrimination so easily. This is my teaching, this is where my wound is. Perhaps some of you reading this have been experiencing such moments as well. Practicing compassion and forgiveness for ourselves helps us to navigate the higher energies we are integrating. These higher frequencies bring to the surface the dense energies that we assimilated when we were children. Memories rise to the surface and expand into emotions that can feel like poison. It reinforces the sense of our true self to witness the opening of our wounds as we stay in our heart center and allow the emotions wash over us like a tsunami. We can grab onto the feelings and be roiled about in this tsunami, or we can stay in our center, steadfast in our knowing of our own true north, as it were, holding our ground and being strong in our truth as the tsunami dissipates. Awareness and acceptance helps energetic pathways to stay open, so the poison can be purged, helping to heal the wound through deeply experiencing and transforming the poison (fear) into love.
I find that meditation is a practice of awareness that can be focused on at all times during our day – not just when we’re sitting with the intention to meditate. It helps to bring us into a state of presence and witnessing, instead of engaging in emotional turbulence. So that when these moments of triggering dense feelings occur, we can eventually steady and center ourselves with love and compassion.
We are becoming more and more sensitive to energetic vibrations that are radiating through our world. As we release energetic blocks – as in beliefs and patterns that were programmed into us – through this ongoing clearing process, empathy is awakened. This heightened sensitivity to energetic vibrations helps us to quickly discern between what feels good – as in loving, kind, fun, and what feels bad, as in judgment, fear, arrogance. Finding the middle way helps us to navigate the chaotic frequencies that are wafting across the planet. The key to being guided by our own intuition is trust. As we continue to clear away what is not our truth, we have lucid moments of inner knowing and we can tap into that through trusting our feelings and inner voice of truth.
Sometimes we may find ourselves feeling intense emotions for no apparent reason. Some very sensitive people may find themselves feeling grief or deep sadness, bringing on a flood of tears out of the blue. We are connected to one another through the Collective Consciousness and at times we deeply feel the unrest in the world. Sudden bouts of anxiety, nervousness or a general strange vibe is also part of the heightened perception we have now as we sense each other’s energy. This Collective connection can also be tuned into in a positive way. Breathing and connecting to the grid of light that is our consciousness (as in our Light Bodies) and tuning into one another as we hold the higher vibration of Love, helps us to become grounded and find that peace within us.
Love and Appreciation in the moment of NOW
In this time of opening to higher frequencies and deeper awareness, we can slow down “time” and savor the beauty of where we have navigated our life stream. It is simply deep appreciation for what is and deep awareness of the moment as moments move into moments in the flow of love and the light of grace. This practice of appreciation helps us to continue to navigate into situations and places that are in harmony with our energetic vibration, so if you’re not quite happy with your present circumstances, know that even the smallest sparkle of appreciation for yourself and what you have learned in your life, can open up a path of sparkling light to help you navigate to higher ground.
It is up to Humanity as a Collective Consciousness to create the world from awareness, inner knowing and love, which is what comes forth from a conscious awareness perspective. Creation happens all the time. Creation can come from fear as well, of course, which is what would most likely arise from the Collective UNconsciousness. There is much at stake at this time in regards to moving forward with creations of love.
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The gift of knowing precedes the gift of experiencing
One may intellectually know that Humanity is One Consciousness and we can consider this and bring it into our vibration by meditating and feeling into this understanding. As we continue to do this we will begin to have experiences of telepathy and synchronicity that will reveal to us the depth of this Unity we are all part of. As we continue to vibrate with this energetic frequency of Unity, birthed through love, which comes forth from compassion and forgiveness, we are preparing ourselves for the Unity Moment – that moment of conscious awareness where we expand into Light, mingling our Consciousness in the One Being. I believe this is what we are approaching. A flash, a moment of knowing, then coming back into our bodies but never again seeing ourselves as separate from one another. Evolution. When will this happen? I don’t know. Will it even happen in my lifetime? Don’t know, but I do cherish this vision for Human Evolution.
Pay Attention
The Collective Consciousness of humanity is like a fabric of energy and all of us are consciously and unconsciously part of this energetic fabric – which can be seen as a grid-work of energy. This is why maintaining and radiating love is so essential to us. All the time; intention, awareness, focus. Being impeccable with our word. Being centered within the core of our being. Becoming Masters of our own energy is what is most important at this time.
Through all the work that we continue to do on ourselves – the work of taking responsibility for our experiences and feelings, the practice of forgiving ourselves and others, this “work” creates the clearing of density – dense beliefs and feelings. I use the word density as a replacement of “negativity” in order to release our minds and hearts from judgment. When we are free of judgment, we are able to observe – or witness – what is wafting through our energy fields in forms of experiences that we are creating – or magnetizing – into our lives.
We can see that what we choose to experience in our lives – in our interactions with each other – are opportunities to release the structures and fog of judgment and beliefs or fears that we have about ourselves. Our interactions with each other reveal to us where we are allowing fear to distort our reality.
World Events
We are seeing chaotic energies coming to a boiling point all over the world. This can trigger a mass awakening on so many levels. With our enhanced sensitivity to energy, we need to place our focus on what is nurturing and nourishing to us and what brings us peace and happiness. Yes there is destruction, corruption, violations of human rights – the list is endless – and of course we care and want to help in some way. One of the most basic ways we can help is by maintaining our own vibrational frequency of love and harmony, because that is the vibration we radiate into the Collective Consciousness – and the world – and the Universe.
When we allow outrage, anger and despair to be what flows through our energy field, we can make ourselves physically ill and that is also what we put forth into the Unified Field, so we are essentially adding gasoline to the fire. This is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp because we also don’t want to sit by and allow injustice to happen. However, hating and judging and righteousness just feeds the flames of discord. Instead, in the physical, we can put forth actions that are solution oriented and love-based as we continue to maintain the vibration of love within our energy field. This is how we create a new world, a world of sovereignty and harmony.
We are evolving into religion-less sovereignty. Love is the joyous expression of the meditation of life.

Many paths and explorations have brought us to where we are now. Some of us have been exploring “spirituality” and different pathways designed to connect us to our spirit and our soul for many years. Like tourists in a maze of spiritual practice, ritual and dogma, some have taken pathways informed by certain spiritual philosophies only to come to a petering out of the energy – a waning interest – and then being sparked by a different philosophy and following that path, and so on. Many have come to a place of letting go of all that exploration, settling in to an inner knowing that is beyond words. It isn’t that those modalities and pathways were wrong, it’s more like we’ve come to higher ground where we are simply be-ing. It is self-respecting to be kind to ourselves and have compassion for the pathways we have chosen that have brought us to where we are now.
Beyond the Unity Moment
There will come a time in human evolution where spiritual philosophies and religions will become unnecessary, as Humanity will be living from the experience of NOW and BEing part of all of life, including one another. Separation will dissolve into an awareness of the Earth and the entire Universe as a living, sentient being that all life force energy flows through, including of course, Humanity. Many of us experience glimpses and moments of this connection and it takes us beyond words. There’s a Cosmic Hilarity that arises when we think of trying to explain direct experiences of One-ness.
With love I dance my words and pictures as an offering to you in the knowing and not-knowing of the crazy mystery of our interplay in this multi-verse.
Nancy Leilah Ward
Image: Pixabay
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