Tag: higher frequencies

Soulstice Energies Will Intensify
by Paul Dobree-Carey, Contributing Writer, In5D.com Soulstice Energies Will Intensify The changes taking place during this time are taking you through a transition in consciousness from physical to an emotionally led world. Rather than being driven by the wants of the flesh, the influences in your life will start to come from your feelings and […]

Symptoms of Energy Shifts
As we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encompassing our bodies and are reflected in various physiological symptoms. Within this transition of the ages, many people will begin to feel many of these energy shift symptoms on a regular basis as our bodies are adjusting and upgrading to the higher frequencies.

50 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades
Enough people have woken up, changed lifestyles, habits, thought and behavior patterns, embracing expansion of consciousness. A tipping point has been realized. What does all this look like? Feel like? How are others experiencing this recalibration of our mindbodysoul beings?

10 Keys To Open The Gates Of The 5th Dimension
The fifth dimension is closer than we realize. By tuning up the frequency of our cellular vibration we can access these higher wavelengths. Lighter emotions raise our vibration, heavier emotions lower our vibration. Gratitude, compassion, joy, humility, love, peace, emotions of light generate higher frequencies.

Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms
by Sabrina Reber Ascension is the raising of our personal energy frequency. It occurs when we bring our layers of “light” from our Spiritual Body or Multidimensional God Self down into our physical form. As we integrate more of our true spiritual essence into our being we expand our auric field, chakra system and activate […]

Light Body Activation
We are deep in recalibration, the integration of upgrades to our mind body soul system. Things are getting really trippy friends. Coincidence can no longer explain the synchronicities, number sequences and magic sprinkled through our lives. We are part of something bigger, something more than the vile, greedy wars of the present.

Solar Eclipse Triggers Activation Of Solar Plexus
by Morag, Contributing Writer,In5D.com The solar eclipse marks the crest of a tidal wave of higher frequencies. Our solar plexus is being activated. We are being offered the chance to step into our power as creative manifesters of our own reality. We are being upgraded, consciousness expansion on a global scale. Our solar plexus is […]

2017 To 2025 – What To Expect In This 9 Year Cycle
Humanity has entered a most pivotal period in Gaia’s history. The earth year of 2017 is known to many cross galaxies to be the pedestal of change.

5 Ways DNA Upgrades Change Our Bodies
DNA upgrades trigger activation of dormant DNA strands. As each wave of higher frequencies move through us, more dormant DNA strands are activated, reunifying and bringing our mind body soul system online.

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – How Do I Know It’s Happening To Me?
by Morag, Contributing Writer,In5D.com When you Google ‘awakening’ you are quickly taken down the rabbit hole of signs and symptoms, spiritual ideology and karmic teaching. The bible and quantum mechanics come up. But what does awakening actually mean? The word ‘awakening’ is contentious. There is a language of separation perceived in spiritualism. Awake implies asleep. […]

Cosmic Waves Are Activating Our Chakras
Cosmic waves activate our chakras, bringing our mind body soul system online with higher frequencies. To integrate flow of energy, through and round our system, each chakra has to be cleared of blockages, flow should be free and easy. This process of karmic evolution is affecting us all. The fifth dimension is calling.

7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul
How do we consciously raise our vibrations in this hostile environment? Switch on our energetic systems, embrace activation codes, cosmic upgrades. Download, upload, upgrade and evolve?

Ascension – Ancient Times vs Modern Day
In our history, the world has gone through many cycles of planetary Ascension and during those times the wisdom keepers and the ones who had the foresight and the knowledge knew that the change was coming. They also knew that moving into a higher level of existence meant that they wouldn’t be able to move through it without transforming the lower levels of emotions with fear being the primary source which would hold them back.

10 Key Tools For Successful Cosmic Zen Surfing
When we ride waves of higher frequencies, enabling recalibration of our mind body soul system, we take control of our own evolution. Using the tools we have been taught, understanding when and how to use them, gives us a sense of balance, of belonging to a multi dimensional world. We can ride tidal waves of DNA upgrades safely, releasing karma, embracing love and realigning our energetic systems.