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Tag: higher frequencies

Polarity Chasm, Cabal Chaos, And Cosmic Flow

Polarity Chasm, Cabal Chaos, And Cosmic Flow

By on May 3, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Morag, Contributing Writer, The polarity chasm is being stretched back further, like elastic, we feel the tension build. Exposing fundamental differences in people in our lives and on the world stage. As the elastic stretches, the chasm widens, we are being compelled to expose, release and eliminate pollutants in our mind body soul systems. […]

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March Equinox 2017 – Truth, Transition, And Transformation!

March Equinox 2017 – Truth, Transition, And Transformation!

By on March 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Transitions are challenging. Transitions are tricky to navigate. Transitions are necessary. We can feel restless, unfocused, spaced out, low energy, confused and uncertain. Gaia and her people are in transition from the third dimension to higher frequencies. Nature loses her leaves or grows new leaves, we shed old habits and form new ones. This is transition, letting go, changing and growing in a natural, organic way.

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Magic Wand! 10 Reasons Why Kyanite Is An Essential Stone For Healing And Spiritual Growth

Magic Wand! 10 Reasons Why Kyanite Is An Essential Stone For Healing And Spiritual Growth

By on March 8, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Do you ever wish you had a magic wand? Personally, I’d like one that can poof away unpleasant things, such as bills, anxiety, and cellulite. My ideal magic wand would also bestow metaphysical superpowers and beam me onto friendly starships. Though I have yet to find a magic wand like in the storybooks, the crystal kingdom has a version that comes close–the Kyanite wand.

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7 Tips For Surviving Waking Up In The Matrix

7 Tips For Surviving Waking Up In The Matrix

By on February 17, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

‘It’s the question that brought you here…what is the matrix?’ The question that signifies seeing beyond the invisible prison walls of our reality. Asking the question is one of the first signs of awakening, waking up.

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ENERGY UPDATE – Waves Of Higher Frequencies

ENERGY UPDATE – Waves Of Higher Frequencies

By on February 13, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Morag, Contributing Writer, Waves of higher frequencies are flowing all around and through us. Realignment of our heart and throat chakras is occurring daily. Time slippage, erratic sleep patterns, persistent coughs, heart palpitations and headaches can be experienced during these waves of recalibration. Reduce matrix toxins in or around your system. Avoid fake foods, […]

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How To Navigate These Changes With Assistance From Above (From A 5D Perspective)

How To Navigate These Changes With Assistance From Above (From A 5D Perspective)

By on January 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

My Story was told in my first article “How To Raise Your Vibrations, From A 5D Perspective”. In 2012 my Twin Flame who “passed” in 1981 began to awaken me from the other side of the veil, and now we are together 24/7, where she is not only my other half, yet my mentor as well. So I have been taught in the ways of the 5th dimension.

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Recalibration & DNA Upgrade In Preparation Of The New Moon

Recalibration & DNA Upgrade In Preparation Of The New Moon

By on January 28, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Tiffany Stiles, Dear Beautiful Souls! Today appetites will be null as the body detoxes and continues to clear. All goes offline and back online as this recalibration occurs. The body physically will be achy today as further clearing occurs through the heart, throat and sacral chakras. The palpitations and flutters in these chakras makes […]

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7 Signature Signs Of Starseeds And Lightworkers

7 Signature Signs Of Starseeds And Lightworkers

By on January 8, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Do you sometimes feel like ET trying to call home? Not sure why you are here but know you have a mission? Feel different and confused? ‘Starseed, volunteer, lightworker’ describe people who do not resonate with this reality. Here are 7 signature signs of starseed and lightworker people, and how to manage being in this dimension.

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2017 – The Beginning Is Near

2017 – The Beginning Is Near

By on January 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Wow! What a ride 2016 was. Three massive cosmic waves of higher frequency energy in February, April and late August/September. Blood moons, super moons, a giant blue sphere, solar flares and all kinds of NASA reported shenanigans. This truly was a year of accelerated awakening, upgrades and recalibration.

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Energy Update – The New Earth And Incoming Energies

Energy Update – The New Earth And Incoming Energies

By on December 13, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Jenny Schiltz, I wanted to take a moment and share some really incredible information that was shared with me. About a year or so ago, at the suggestion of my guides I stopped sending a grounding cord into the earth core crystal. They told me that it was more important that I ground deeply […]

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An Upgrade In Frequency – Riding The Waves Of Intensity

An Upgrade In Frequency – Riding The Waves Of Intensity

By on November 18, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Breathing in the Higher Frequencies of Light, even now, may feel like a never-ending powerhouse of vibrating Light, pulsating through every cell of your body.

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Cosmic Call Centers – How To Dial And Connect Using A Crystal Pendulum

Cosmic Call Centers – How To Dial And Connect Using A Crystal Pendulum

By on November 17, 2016 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Much like Harry Potter when his wand chose him, a crystal pendulum will choose you. When you look at them, note the crystal -is it quartz, amethyst, jade or any other type of crystal? It’s good to know some basics about crystals and the healing properties they have, but if you don’t, it’s okay because your crystal will pick you Anyway! You will be drawn to it. It will feel comfortable in your hand. You will stare at it a lot. This is your crystal.

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Who Are Your Guides And Angels?

Who Are Your Guides And Angels?

By on November 3, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer, Many articles on and other alternative sites have mentioned guides and angels that are waiting to help you through this tumultuous time. Who are you calling on when you invoke your guides and angels for assistance, and how do you know you are calling on the highest powers? […]

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Use Black Obsidian To Prevent Psychic Attacks, Enhance Psychic Abilities, And MUCH More!

Use Black Obsidian To Prevent Psychic Attacks, Enhance Psychic Abilities, And MUCH More!

By on October 31, 2016 in Science, Spiritual Awakening

by Bella , Contributing Writer, Are you experiencing psychic attacks, low energy around certain people or very sensitive to energy? You may need some help and Black Obsidian may be just the thing. Black Obsidian is a powerful stone, one of the most powerful I have ever come in contact with. It blocks even the […]

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Lisa Renee – Timelines Shift And Collapsing 3D Timelines

Lisa Renee – Timelines Shift And Collapsing 3D Timelines

By on September 23, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave.

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