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Who Are Your Guides And Angels?

By on November 3, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening


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by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Contributing Writer,

Many articles on and other alternative sites have mentioned guides and angels that are waiting to help you through this tumultuous time. Who are you calling on when you invoke your guides and angels for assistance, and how do you know you are calling on the highest powers?


Many people are going through a hard time right now as they witness the third dimensional reality begin to dissolve around them. In the lowest third dimensions, the banking system is not working in the best interest of humanity, the political system is screwed, the medical system is a fraud, and our children are being stunted, indoctrinated, and programmed in the education system. Our food and water are being poisoned and America has been teetering on the edge of World War 3 through 3 presidential elections and fear seems to be the most prevalent energy on the planet.

Even with the absurdities that are unfolding, a miraculous thing is also happening that will change the fabric of our reality. Many people are waking up and realizing that they do not want to be in this reality that we are living in. In a way, the chaos is bringing change because we no longer have a choice, ie. we are realizing that it can’t get much worse than the annihilation of our species. There are many beings on the outside of this reality watching and helping as humanity goes through a great realization that they are experiencing a horrible nightmare.

These beings have a vested interest in humanity. They have been called guides, angels, extraterrestrials, sphere beings, time travelers, light beings, and extradimensionals. What people may not realize is that they are actually a higher aspect of YOU, and what happens with you affects them.

We are multidimensional beings having a physical experience. This means that we have an aspect of our soul in other dimensions having experiences at the same time that we are here having this experience. We have been “cut off” from these other lifetimes but that is rapidly changing.

Each person on the planet that has a soul and spirit incarnated into a human form is also linked to an oversoul, and that oversoul is linked to the Source or creator of everything. The oversoul has sent out “fingers” of itself and is having many different lifetimes at once in “no time”. Some of these lifetimes are simple and short, but others are magical and creative. The magical and creative lifetimes tend to stick out as the “dominant” ones. If you are awakened at this time, and are reading this article, then this lifetime is one of your dominant lifetimes that has an opportunity to serve as THE dominant lifetime of your oversoul.

What this means is that the oversouls are pulling their aspects out of the lowest dimensional frequencies. Many aspects got stuck in recurring incarnations and traps that kept them serving others’ agendas. These lifetimes were simply an experience and helped the oversoul grow, and even if they got stuck there was always a time when the cycle for the lower dimensional experience was to come to an end. It was a fail-safe of sorts so that the oversouls didn’t lose aspects eternally.


You, as an awakened one in a human body, can help your oversoul gather those lifetimes by transmuting energies via emotion and by making the intention to rejoin the oversoul on a conscious level. In this respect, being dominant means being the awakened and aware being that has the ability to help all of the other lifetimes of the oversoul heal and move forward or return to the oversoul as energy that can be transformed and sent out for another experience. After all, on the higher level you are an aspect of Source that can do anything.

In your oversoul’s experiences, there are a few other lifetimes that are more whole, healed, and connected to all information than others. These lifetime personalities are your higher selves. On a multidimensional scale, they are working in the higher frequencies with more knowledge and understanding than us. This does not make them more powerful than us. It just means that they know who they are and how they are to help us tap into the same wisdom so that we can be as creative and powerful as they are once again.

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These aspects of ourselves are the guides and angels that are with us. They watch us and drop ideas into our heads. They are waiting for us to consciously connect to them and integrate with them. This does not mean that we lose our personality or experiences of who we are. It means that we realize that we have always been connected and multidimensional, and we can consciously explore those frequencies and experiences again (and create new ones).

When you call on your guides and angels, be sure to call on those aspects of yourself that have your highest and best good in mind. There are many astral beings of fourth dimensional frequency that would love to pose as your guides. They would love for you to give your power away to them and by simply calling on a named figure as Jesus, St. Germaine, Mother Mary, etc.. When you do not specify that you want help in your highest and best interest, you are opening the door to getting whoever would like to fill those shoes.

Once you begin calling on your higher self to assist you, confusion begins to fade away. The veil begins to thin and you begin to be able to discern what is truth. Life becomes easier as your reality literally begins to change before your eyes. Miracles begin to happen and synchronicities lead you along your highest and best path. This has been my personal experience and I hope that sharing my perspective helps you to move to the next step in your journey.

Beginning today, I suggest that you change all modes of connecting with spirits for help and healing that are no longer working for you. If you feel that you have tried everything and are still hitting against a brick wall, try this. Connect with the higher aspects of you that have a vested interest in your success, as they are waiting for you to integrate and allow them to join you as one here in the physical body. Your body is your temple and should only be shared by you and your oversoul. You have always been connected but have been blocked from them.

Another thing you can call on your higher self guides and angels to do is to boot out any other guides and angels that you have allowed into your energy field that are not of your highest and best interest. Be willing to allow change and be open to new ways of thinking. Your higher self guides and angels carry a frequency that will dissolve fear and remove blocks.

As you begin to see changes, learn to let go of control of your reality through the ego mind and allow the higher self to drive your vehicle. Learn how to trust yourself and realize when you are seeking guidance and answers outside of yourself. Then forgive yourself and move on, because that is the only way we could have learned what works best as we conquer our fears and co-create a new way of existence.

About the authorMichelle Walling is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in Starseed support, and is a transformational public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. Subscribe to Michelle’s YouTube channel HERE
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