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An Upgrade In Frequency – Riding The Waves Of Intensity

By on November 18, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

An Upgrade In Frequency - Riding The Waves Of Intensity

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by L’Aura Pleiadian,

Breathing in the Higher Frequencies of Light, even now, may feel like a never-ending powerhouse of vibrating Light, pulsating through every cell of your body.


As this Light increases even now, the intensity may feel overwhelming. When this happens, rest, and ride the waves, showing your body great compassion, at it adjusts.

The energy upgrades are reaching unparalleled vibrational frequencies, from the Central Sun, the Pleiades, impacting the whole. All consciousness, everywhere.

Now, this activation as you read, engulfs your frequency, in pure love. In higher vibrational Light as purity, which naturally releases from your cellular consciousness, the frequencies of memories from your subconscious that are to be transmuted, into your Higher Self Light.

The form in which you live through, transforms, through your consciousness, as a frequency.

In 3D, your body (form) lived out, the disharmony, through its reactive state of stress. Of survival.

The dismantling of 3D, through the Higher Frequencies of Light, releases the cellular debris, so to speak, associated with those memories, from ALL incarnations, that you have carried over, from incarnation to incarnation.


These memories are held in your Blueprint.

You are playing out through your Blueprint, Your Soul Plan for this incarnation.

ALL those on Earth in a form, although of varying frequencies, if here, are transforming, from these Energy Upgrades, through the Higher Light frequencies.

Even now, feel these higher frequencies. These vibrations you are receiving as you read, this. TO be aware more and feel more. Slow down and breathe. Be present in the moment. Being present will help you to become more aware, of what is going on inside you. Inside your cells.

Riding the waves of intensity, then become the process you enter more into the present moment. As you slow down. Drop the pace of 3D. Relax more. Reflect more. FEEL more, within you.

Then, riding the waves, through being present, facilitates even more, the conscious recognition of the higher frequencies you are receiving and the vibrational shifts within your cellular consciousness.

As you are more present, then the awareness of the releasing of old memories, will be something you will be highly aware. Which also will make the process easier. You will know, WOW these are the new downloads, my activations. And WOW, I am releasing now, which is still part of the RECEIVING of higher frequencies. This is just the releasing.

And by so doing, you CONSCIOUSLY integrate in harmony, the Higher Frequencies of Light, impacting you EVEN NOW as you are reading. This is a process of bringing the subconscious to the conscious awareness.

Which opens you, as the memories are released from your cellular consciousness, to ALL of your experiences throughout your many incarnation experiences. And to the you in parallel worlds. And the you as Your Divine Presence and Higher Self.

Riding the INTENSE waves, even now, is a surrender a letting go. As opposed to a “trying’ to make happen.

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It is a going ~ Through.

  • An Allowing.
  • A Releasing.
  • A Receiving.

Activating also your FEELING Nature of consciousness, the feminine PRINCIPLE, even NOW.

Consciously more and more, as the NEW YOU emerges, as the Light Itself.

Receive all of this through Grace Now. As you enter and go through, all you are destined to go through. In harmony, love and peace, of the Now moment. In the Higher Vibrational frequencies of Light. Your Upgrades NOW. In the Eternal Light of the Central Sun. And so it is! Now.

Please see the links below, to consciously receive the hourly activations, the Divine Ascended Being Activation. Even now. In DIVINE Love, that is ALL That is!

Heaven on Earth ~ Within!

To Follow me on Facebook you may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts . To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity) Website: copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2016.

Image: Pixabay

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