Tag: Central Sun

Ascension vs. The Event
The Event will initiate the end of human slavery on this 3D Earth. This Event will begin with a massive blast of energy from our Central Sun, this Event will alter it all. Each one of us will face it without warning. This moment is made to impact our view of life as we know it.

Transition To Light As Co-Creators
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Contributing Writer,In5D.com PURPOSES OF LIVING ON EARTH With love-light we raise to higher consciousness Earth Gaia, the major purpose of a 5D being taking birth as a human living being. We do the reverse as forgetting took hold, creating profits from the resources of Earth and sweat of humanity, with […]

Peace Can Solve The Problems Of Earth
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr. Contributing Writer,In5D,.com “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” One of Sananda-Christ Beatitudes is a secret of graduation of earth to galactic partnership with our spiritual guides. When we think and work for PEACE and we can attain this everlasting desire of man on earth […]

Ascension Is An Individual Choice
You know-understand our time and age from the past to the 21st century is a product of illusion of the majority of humans who have encrypted in their minds physicality. Other persons unknowing of the spirit within have embraced the solid form as real as you think it is reality, or in religious parlance created by another Super Being not connected to the unified creation abilities of each human being.

Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings
One of the most difficult trials to men is realization of truth as we have been brainwashed by beliefs of our ancestors implanted and controlled by alternating Archons and dark beings for a million years. The reason is simple, we have the gold, silver and earthen materials these beings desire and need for their planets.

Light Is Life, Energy And Information
We have understood and remembered light is more than electricity generation, it is life provider and information. It is a mode of knowing what has been known before as there is nothing new in the universe and without it you do not exist. It is the language of the crystalline light beings.

Current Energies And Symptoms For The Different Ascension Waves
Since the beginning of 2017, we are experiencing very new energy frequencies. Something that has never been here before. To be precise, it already started building up on December 18 and continuously increased, with shorter breaks in between. These new energies come directly from the Central Sun, the Cosmic Heart, the ultimate zero point. Depending on where people are at in their journey and what Ascension Wave they are in, the perception and experience of these energies can be very different.

Pleiadian Winter Solstice Alignment & Integration
by Bridget Rau, Contributing Writer,In5D.com We are here, we are the Pleiadian Emissaries of light. Allow for your consciousness to open dear ones, open to the alignment of energy being brought forth to you at this time. As you connect with these words, and the frequency of our intention, we ask that you be mindful […]

An Upgrade In Frequency – Riding The Waves Of Intensity
Breathing in the Higher Frequencies of Light, even now, may feel like a never-ending powerhouse of vibrating Light, pulsating through every cell of your body.

Cobra – Terms of Cabal Surrender Update
There are some clarifications that need to be made about the terms of surrender.

COBRA – Terms Of Surrender For The Cabal
by Cobra, There are Cabal surrender negotiations taking place behind the scenes, and the general population has a right to know what is going on and to communicate their perspective. So here I am putting the terms of surrender for public review and discussion. The Rockefeller faction will most likely fight until their bitter end, […]

Earth’s Grids And Portals
The following is an excerpt from the book, Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity. There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth.