Tag: manipulated
8 Reptilian Traits In Human Beings
The following are reptilian traits in human beings. You may recognize a few of them in you or someone you know. Please keep in mind that these are simply TRAITS and being part Reptilian DOES NOT make you a bad person as there are good and bad people of all galactic (and planetary) races.
Earth’s Alien Hybrid Race Of Fallen Angels
How is it possible to have so many different races and ethnicities if we all allegedly came from Adam and Eve? How is it conceivable to have 4 different blood types (A, B, AB, and O) along with 2 different Rh values (positive and negative) from two people of origin? Even if you look at Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, there wasn’t enough time for genetic mutation or evolution of the species to create such different diversity amongst our population.
Does Rh Negative Blood Type Equal Alien Heritage?
Why does the human race have so many different blood types and Rh values when we supposedly came from ‘Adam and Eve’? The biblical story of evolution no longer works as a viable explanation for evolution. Now what? Was our race genetically manipulated or were we seeded here from other star systems by aliens or more likely, our galactic star families?