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Earth’s Alien Hybrid Race Of Fallen Angels

By on March 20, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

Earth's Alien Hybrid Race Of Fallen Angels in5d

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by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

How is it possible to have so many different races and ethnicities if we all allegedly came from Adam and Eve? How is it conceivable to have 4 different blood types (A, B, AB, and O) along with 2 different Rh values (positive and negative) from two people of origin? Even if you look at Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, there wasn’t enough time for genetic mutation or evolution of the species to create such different diversity amongst our population.


According to Zecharia Sitchin’s work deciphering the Sumerian texts, our DNA was manipulated by the Anunnaki in order to create a slave race that would mine gold for them and their home planet, Nibiru. This is a very feasible proposition because it explains the importance of gold on our planet along with how we’ve been economic slaves for millennia, but it doesn’t explain why the Anunnaki would create a number of different races instead of one master slave race.

The second possibility is that we were seeded here by various star nations as part of a galactic experiment. In this scenario, race, ethinicity, blood type(s) and rh values are easily explained. It might also explain why there are so many different languages.

Earth's Alien Hybrid Race Of Fallen Angels in5d

What if every race and ethnicity has a specific galactic origin other than Earth and their language is that of their “home planet”? For example, what if “Spanish” is the official language of the star Maia (as in Maya/Mayan) in the Pleiades?

The one thing I question most often is why only 22 of our 64 codons are turned on? Why are 42 codons not being used? this question supports Sitchin’s theory of genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki and may suggest that we were either genetically manipulated by the Anunnaki or those who were seeded on this planet were genetically manipulated as well after the Anunnaki arrived.

I highly encourage people to ask questions and to look within for answers, because what we’ve been taught by academia about our human origins is utter hot air and BS. Just because Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is being pushed down our throats in school doesn’t mean it’s the truth.


Look no further than academia clinging on to the theory that oil is a “fossil fuel” from decayed dinosaurs. really? How many dinosaurs were there and how did they appear in places such as the Middle East, where it is predominantly desert? What we’ve learned is that oil is abiotic, which means our planet reproduces it on a constant basis. the problem is that we’re using it faster that our planet can create. It’s no different than sea water. If sea water was a commodity, eventually we would use all of that up, too.

Here are some questions that I highly encourage everyone to ask themselves:

  • How did the differences between the races come about on Earth?
  • How does science explain racial differentiation in such a short span of time?
  • What are the missing links and gaps in the Darwin Evolution model?
  • Was man genetically manipulated by an alien race of beings known to the ancient Sumerians as the Anunnaki?
  • Why are only 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA turned on?
  • How can we have so many different blood types and rh values emanating from two people in the creation myth?
  • Where did our languages truly come from?

The truth is, we are capable of being so much more if we can figure out a way to turn on those 42 dormant codons. Some may argue that they’re turned off for a reason, but if Source only creates perfection, then it seems highly possible that our DNA was manipulated in order to keep us in subservience, control and conformity.

This is why I am experimenting on myself in ways to turn on these dormant codons.

How can we change our DNA right now?

Dr Masaru Emoto’s research has concluded that water has consciousness. Based on this premise, I have decided to experiment with water, Ho’oponopono, sigils and positive affirmations.

In February of 2012, I started drinking distilled water.

I also drastically changed my eating habits from your typical processed food, GMO-ladened diet to virtually all organic, including grass fed meat, fresh squeezed juices and homemade smoothies. Initially, I noticed an immediate change in my complexion as well as energy levels but after 7 months or so, I also noticed that I was losing my hair and wondered if that was attributed to drinking distilled water, so I stopped doing this but soon found something even more amazing.

After researching the benefits of ozone water, I decided to buy an ozone generator to infuse my water with extra oxygen. In addition, as per Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research into the consciousness of water, I added affirmations and Ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness that follows 4 simple mantras:

  1.  I love you.
  2.  I’m sorry.
  3. Please forgive me.
  4. Thank you.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research show us that water has consciousness, so I combined Ho’oponopono with positive self-affirmations.

My affirmation is:

  • My pineal gland is fully open.
  • My chakras are clear and balanced.
  • My DNA codes are fully open to allow me to heal myself and others in the best interests of humanity.

I decided to take this one step further after researching the power of sigils. A sigil is an inscribed or painted symbol considered by many to have magical powers.

Many corporate logos use symbols as a way to subconsciously influence us. A perfect example would be the Shell logo, which innocently looks like a shell, but it actually represents the sun and sun-worshiping, which preexisted before many religious belief systems.

Exxon uses symbols and sigils as a way to represent Saturn. In astrotheology, Saturn is Satan. Did you ever wonder why we exchange rings during wedding ceremonies? The rings represent the rings of Saturn (Satan). Look no further than the pre-Christian Chritmas-time celebration of Saturnalia, which was a week of debauchery and drunkenness.

Exxon uses symbols and sigils as a way to represent Saturn. In astrotheology, Saturn is Satan. Did you ever wonder why we exchange rings during wedding ceremonies? The rings represent the rings of Saturn (Satan). Look no further than the pre-Christian Christmas-time celebration of Saturnalia, which was a week of debauchery and drunkenness.

In this world of polarity and duality, the same practices can be done with pure intent.

I decided to make a sigil glass that contained all of my affirmations. This is what it looks like:

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I decided to make a sigil glass that contained all of my affirmations. This is what it looks like:

I buy 5 gallon jugs of BPA free spring water from Zephyrhills and dispense it from a water cooler. Even my dog drinks this water! I have an ozone machine by the water dispenser.

I buy 5 gallon jugs of BPA free spring water from Zephyrhills and dispense it from a water cooler. Even my dog drinks this water! I have an ozone machine by the water dispenser

The particular ozone machine that I use is a A2Z Ozone Aqua 6 Multi Purpose Ozone Generator because it gives me the biggest bang for the buck with a 600 mg/h ozone output.

After pouring water into my sigil glass, I speak my affirmations to the water, then I apply Ho’oponopono. I finish by saying, “Please send these messages to every cell in my body. Namaste.

It is important to keep in mind that the ozone leaves the water relatively quickly, so your best bet is to drink it as quickly as possible. Some reports say that it only lasts up to an hour or two before dissipating.

Since writing the above excerpt, I have also added a picture that includes what I looked like at a younger age along with the binary code that says, “All of my codons are open”… which looks like this:

011000010110110001101100001000000110111101100110001000000110110101111001 001000000110001101101111011001000110111101101110011100110010000001100001 01110010011001010010000001101111011100000110010101101110

I have also eliminated the first two affirmations and only say, “All of my codons are open” both forward and reversed (Nepo era snodoc ym fo lla).  Those in the occult sciences use reversing as “black magick” in numerous ways against us.  I decided to try reversing as a means of “white magick” to help humanity as well as myself.  I still use ozone water and my sigil glass.

Perhaps I’m wasting my time but if people don’t experiment like this, then we’ll never know. I know of other people who are doing various experiments to unlock their DNA as well.


Since doing this water experiment, my hair went from predominantly gray back to its original color.  It may be coincidental to using the John of God Crystal Healing Bed Therapy, but my chronic sciatica issues are now gone as well.  While I may not be turning back the hands of time as I turn 55 years old in a few months, I seem to be slowing down the process.

If anything else changes for the better, the readers of In5D will be the first to know!

What are your thoughts? If someone were to ask you questions about our human origins, how would you answer them? Comment below!

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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