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Tag: multidimensional consciousness

Enduring Energetic Bodily Upgrade

Enduring Energetic Bodily Upgrade

By on May 10, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Expanding into multidimensional consciousness has a great affect upon the body and will initiate many changes in the energetic system. When these instrumental abilities come online, it is compared to a new living light system is being installed inside your physiology.

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The Foundations Of Multidimensional Consciousness

The Foundations Of Multidimensional Consciousness

By on May 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Tiara Kumara, Contributing Writer, This is an excerpt from Skillsets of Evolution A 4 Month Training of Advanced Spiritual Development Everything in the universe is energy and this energy vibrates at many different speeds. ‘Dimensions’ are states of consciousness that are defined according to the rate of frequency at which we vibrate. The rate […]

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Dimensions Of Consciousness In The Digital Realm

Dimensions Of Consciousness In The Digital Realm

By on March 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The circle or sphere in sacred geometry represents the feminine and the square or cube represents the masculine.

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The Arcturians – What Does Ascension Mean?

The Arcturians – What Does Ascension Mean?

By on August 5, 2016 in Extraterrestrials

by Sue Lie, Seeing the Unseen, Hearing the Unheard, Feeling the Invisible Ascension is not an action. Ascension is a “state of mind” and “frequency of heart.” The state of mind of ascension is the flow of balancing polarities in your thinking to find the middle road. The frequency of heart is the constant focusing, and […]

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Journey Of Spiritual Transformation

Journey Of Spiritual Transformation

By on June 23, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As we move into the manifestation phase through the winter solstice period, the clearing and transforming of all trauma is of utmost importance. This is the key to choosing to relinquish the 3D dense duality consciousness of conflict and separation, and fully anchor in the heart of unity consciousness.

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