Tag: native american
Native American Code Of Ethics
The Native American culture is highly spiritual and places a great emphasis on the respect for Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon as well as all living and non-living objects.
Raise The Energy In Your Home With Smudging
by Norma Lehmeier Hartie Smudging has traditionally been performed by Native Americans and is the ritual burning of herbs to create smoke to clear and purify a person or space. Ceremonies may begin and end with the burning of these sacred herbs. Herbs such as sage, sweetgrass and cedar are generally used. Try to obtain […]
Allies In The Spirit World
Everybody on this planet has a spiritual support team. This group is our backup in the game of life. Entering the material world is like taking on a deadly mission for the CIA or MI-6. Pretend you are the next James Bond. You come in with certain assets and talents from previous missions. but are placed in situations out of your element. But you are not alone in your mission. You have backup. Someone will brief you on your mission, outline your goals, and warn you of the pitfalls.
15 Tips For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People
Empaths and highly sensitive people need ways to cope with the abundance of energy around them. Please read the following coping tips if you’re being affected by these energies.