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Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

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Tag: new dimension

Ascension Of Intimacy – The INherent Gifts Of Sacred Romance

Ascension Of Intimacy – The INherent Gifts Of Sacred Romance

By on July 14, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Our intimate relationships are sacred grounds of getting to feel and see ourselves. We GET to experience what is rumbling inside of us that has been kept at bay in our subconscious. These parts of us that have been living is a safety zone of incognito through the protection of our comfortability. When our deepest desires begin to ring out into the cosmos, the mechanics of manifestation begin to offer their services. But when they do, it is meant to bring up what is needed in order to let in what is wanted.

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How Can You Help Create A New Earth?

How Can You Help Create A New Earth?

By on June 6, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gunjan, Contributing Writer, We are evolving; humanity is evolving, feeling the chaos all around? Losing Jobs, Relationships Ending, Relocating? All this has a purpose. You are transforming. Your life is turning upside down for a reason. Your whole world is changing. Universe is working its magic. Universe is breaking the old to bring the […]

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Dolores Cannon – In The Midst Of Chaos

Dolores Cannon – In The Midst Of Chaos

By on September 2, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Below is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe”, Book Three, in which the QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) participant, dubbed “Anne”, describes the Human Evolution changes we are experiencing now. Keep in mind while reading this, that this book was published in 2008.

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Top 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings

Top 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings

The following are the Top 40 dream symbols and their metaphysical meanings in alphabetical order. Please keep in mind that each dream symbol could have dozens of variants and alternative meanings.

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