Tag: Numerology

11:11 And Other Repetitive, Synchronistic Numbers
Do you see 11:11 often? How about numbers such as 2009, 12:35 or 333? Why do 11:11 and other synchronistic repetitive numbers come into our lives and what do they mean?

Numbers, Intentions, And New Beginnings
After posting the numerology forecast the other day, I realized it had been a long while since I took notice of any single digit or combo of numbers or thought about the meanings behind them. I used to love noticing when 11:11 showed up in any form, it was my sign that I was being guided and watched over by my spiritual team and it always gave me comfort. I read tarot for years and was really into the numbers in that way as well but I seem to have moved onto other studies recently.

November 2016, A Time of Completion – The End Of The 9-Year Cycle
by Emmanuel Dagher, Dear friend, We are in a pivotal moment in humanity’s awakening journey, one that is changing the landscape of our personal and global reality forever. The Door to Completion 2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9) is a 9 Universal Year in numerology. The number 9 represents the frequencies […]

Rock Star Sammy Hagar Meets His Father In A Dream On The Night His Father Died
Rock star Sammy Hagar s a lot like everyone who is reading this article in his own spiritual way. He has a “Love & Light” bracelet. He received a galactic download from 9th dimensional beings. He believes in extraterrestrial life from other planets and dimensions.

The Truth About Easter And The Secret Worship Of The Anunnaki
The following article is based on J. R. Terrier’s book “The Easter Celebration – History of Its Hidden Origins“. Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, there are absolutely no verses in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of this tradition. Further – the Bible does not mention anything about […]

What Is Your Personal Year Number?
by Michael McClain The Personal Year is helpful in evaluating the trend of the coming calendar year. For a clue as to what lies ahead in the coming year, calculate your personal year using this formula: First, reduce the month and day of your birth, your birthday, to a single digit. Using my birthday for […]

What Is Your Personality Number?
by Michael McClain One of the more interesting personal numerology numbers is the personality number. This number is derived from your full birth name. The personality number is a reflection of how others see you. This may differ from who you really are as some people constantly put up a front hiding their true personality. […]

What is Your Life Path Number?
This numerology tool is SO accurate! Find out your life path number and the meaning behind your Life Path number here!

Number Sequences From Our Spirit Guides
Numerology and synchronistic number such as 222, 333, 444, 1234, and 11 11 : The following signs and numbers are used by our Spirit Guides to guide us on our Spiritual Path. These signs let us know how we are doing and what we need to do next.