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Tag: orion wars

The Anunnaki MUST Return To Fix Their Creation That Has Gone Astray

The Anunnaki MUST Return To Fix Their Creation That Has Gone Astray

By on June 11, 2019 in Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

For thousands of years, our spiritual and physical capabilities have been limited through the genetic manipulation of our DNA by the Anunnaki. To modern science, this is called “Junk DNA” but in fact, the “Junk DNA” contains the dormant genetics that separate us from being literal gods and goddesses.

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Ascension Initiations

Ascension Initiations

By on April 24, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ascension has been an ongoing thing for a few generations now. There are many waves and the first began long before me… 2009 was the beginning of the masses with critical mass reaching around Venus Transit June 2012. The resonance began picking up after that.

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BREAKING NEWS! Queen Elizabeth To Abdicate Her Throne – What This Means To Humanity

BREAKING NEWS! Queen Elizabeth To Abdicate Her Throne – What This Means To Humanity

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, A shocking development has just occurred when Queen Elizabeth hinted that she plans on abdicating her throne and will flee the UK, according to a BBC insider (1). ‘One is making the necessary preparations to abandon ship,’ Her Majesty said. ‘A violent storm is coming, the […]

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1561 UFO ‘Battle’ Over Nuremberg, Germany

1561 UFO ‘Battle’ Over Nuremberg, Germany

By on March 31, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

At sunrise on the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg beheld “A very frightful spectacle.” The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged. Below are descriptions of the event from various sources.

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History Of The Universe And Our Earth Origins

History Of The Universe And Our Earth Origins

By on March 22, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

Dan Winter explains our alien ancestry dating back to the Anunnaki, the Seraphim, and the Nephilim. Learn about the Alpha Draconians, Andromedans, Nibiru, the Dogon, Orion wars, DNA manipulation and much more!

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What Does Astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s “Get Your Ass To Mars?” T Shirt REALLY Mean?

What Does Astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s “Get Your Ass To Mars?” T Shirt REALLY Mean?

By on March 19, 2015 in Awareness

Are the rats about to jump ship??? In a bizarre photo opportunity, Astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin is shown wearing a “Get Your Ass To Mars” tee shirt while standing in front of Stonehenge.

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Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

By on January 13, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

We exist in a dualistic, holographic Universe where polarity can be felt in extreme measures. According to the Wes Penre Papers, as far as extraterrestrial races involved with planet Earth there are “good guys” and there are “bad guys”.

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