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Tag: path

If There Was No Such Thing As Money…

If There Was No Such Thing As Money…

From an early age, we’re asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Free and happy are not acceptable answers in a society that places a value and worth on everything we do. What if there was no such thing as money?  What would you be doing with your life?

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Ascension Toolkit #8 – Courage

Ascension Toolkit #8 – Courage

By on June 1, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Michael H Hallett, Contributing Writer, We live in a world that recognizes and respects courage: the military hero, the policewoman who dies in the line of duty, the fireman who dashes into a burning building and emerges with a child in her arms. We are familiar with this kind of courage as a […]

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Waking Up Between 3-5AM Can Be A Sign Of A Spiritual Awakening

Waking Up Between 3-5AM Can Be A Sign Of A Spiritual Awakening

By on March 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

via RecipesForAHealthyLife, “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep.” – Rumi Waking up at the same time every night without an alarm clock might be a sign that you need to pay attention to. You […]

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Pick A Door That Stands Out The Most, Then See What It Says About Your Future

Pick A Door That Stands Out The Most, Then See What It Says About Your Future

By on July 25, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

If you chose number 1 , Your Path is Freeing. You are the type of person who needs a ton of space. You need the freedom to do things your own way. You prefer a path that you carve yourself, especially one with infinite possibilities and routes. You don’t want to feel constrained. You are […]

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Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest

Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest

By on June 27, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Edward Morgan, PrepareForChange “Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. […]

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6 Signs You Have Found Your Path In Life

6 Signs You Have Found Your Path In Life

By on May 31, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

From one of my favorite authors in this field, Anna LeMind! by Anna LeMind, Learning Mind Finding one’s path in life is not an easy task. It takes years of trying, failing and searching. It’s sad that most people never find the right path and end up spending their life surrounded by wrong people and […]

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16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On the Right Path

16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On the Right Path

By on December 30, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It usually takes a bit of discomfort to break through to a new understanding, to release a limiting belief, to motivate ourselves to create real change. Discomfort is a signal, one that is often very helpful. Here are a few (less than desirable) feelings that may indicate you’re on the right path after all.

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In5D Radio – Corey Goode – Inside The Sphere Being Alliance

In5D Radio – Corey Goode – Inside The Sphere Being Alliance

By on September 22, 2015 in In5D Radio

On Monday, September 21, 2015 Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling interviewed intuitive empath Corey Goode and discussed his involvement with the Blue Avians (of the Sphere Being Alliance) who have chosen him as a delegate to interface with multiple ET Federations and Councils on their behalf.  Corey is a  liaison with the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance Council and is here to deliver important messages to humanity.

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The Gift Of Psychic Abilities

The Gift Of Psychic Abilities

By on August 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Karen Hollis omtimes Many people get enamored with the apparent glamour of psychic abilities. It’s easy to think it would be wonderful to see some aspect of the future, to help people sort out their problems, or to bring forth messages from deceased loved ones. It’s also quite common for people say to a […]

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Finding Your Passion In 3 Easy Steps

Finding Your Passion In 3 Easy Steps

By on July 14, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

There are many things that people would like to find in life. Money, health and love are all common goals. However, finding your passion may also be a top goal for you. Who wouldn’t want to work at a dream job or have an inspiring career?

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What Creates The Human Aura Energy Field And How Is It Kept In Balance?

What Creates The Human Aura Energy Field And How Is It Kept In Balance?

By on May 15, 2015 in Meditation

All humans have brains, but there are not so many who know how to use them effectively in order to harmoniously evolve together with Nature. There is also the human heart which carries out vital functions of the human body. Human heart has to go through the challenging process of refining the feelings and emotions so we can enjoy a quality life.

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Stages Of Spiritual Awakening

Stages Of Spiritual Awakening

By on May 6, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Some people are truthers while others are pacifists, yet both are generally peaceful.  Some people are ‘service to self’ and some are ‘service to others’.  Some people believe in loving everyone while others may show dislike toward certain people in power.  Some see numbers such as […]

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Ways To Self-Acceptance On The Spiritual Path

Ways To Self-Acceptance On The Spiritual Path

By on April 12, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Lucia Ashta, B.Arch., J.D., Guest writer, We all come to the spiritual path differently. For some of us, it is a gradual awakening. For others, it is a jarring lifting of veils that leaves no possibility of return to the way life was before. However it has happened for you, there is one […]

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Twelve Signs Of Your Awakening Consciousness

Twelve Signs Of Your Awakening Consciousness

By on February 27, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the “Christ seed” awakens within. This too shall pass. 2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes […]

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What is Your Life Path Number?

What is Your Life Path Number?

By on January 2, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

This numerology tool is SO accurate! Find out your life path number and the meaning behind your Life Path number here!

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