Finding Your Passion In 3 Easy Steps
by Andrea Schulman,
Contributing Writer,
There are many things that people would like to find in life. Money, health and love are all common goals. However, finding your passion may also be a top goal for you. Who wouldn’t want to work at a dream job or have an inspiring career?
Some people just fall into a dream job early in life, but many others find themselves spinning their wheels in professions that feel draining or unfulfilling. If this describes you, keep reading, because finding your passion can be done easily.
I stand behind these three steps because this is the exact recipe I used to find the work I am doing now. The path to my current career literally spelled itself out for me after following these steps. I wish you the same success!
1. Stop trying to identify what your passion is:
Trying to “force” yourself to come up with an idea for a passionate career will likely be unsuccessful. Instead, the right work can come to you naturally when you let go of “overthinking” and instead just move on to the next two steps. The universe can bring you your passion without you having to figure it all out.
So, it’s ok to forget about doing a bunch of research or career compatibility tests. It’s ok to let go of “looking” for right career completely. Finding your passion can be much, much easier.
2. Raise your vibration:
The higher your vibration, the more likely you will attract a career or passion that makes you truly happy. With the Law of Attraction, you get in life what you energy is radiating out into it. High vibrational energy is passionate, exciting and fun energy. So, when you are radiating high vibrational energy, you draw to yourself passions and jobs that make you feel good.
If you’d like some easy tips on how to raise your vibration, please check out this page on my website. You can also check out this article for more information: Why Is it Important to Raise Your Vibration?
3. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it:
This is an idea explained by “Bashar,” a supposed entity channeled by a man named Darryl Anka. Whether or not you believe in channels, this idea is spot on.
Instead of trudging through your day doing what you believe you are supposed to do, when you are supposed to do it, break your routine and follow what feels right. Keep asking yourself throughout the day what you want to do.
Even if the list of things for you to do today is full of tasks that feel less than exciting, you can still choose to do the day’s work in the way that feels the most appealing to you in the moment.
For example, let’s say that today you have a number of chores to do, you need to call your mom and you want to work out. If calling your mom feels like the most appealing thing to do on the list, start with that. When you are done, ask yourself what you feel like doing next, and so on and so forth.
Of course, when fun and exciting opportunities pop up, make sure to take them! The more fun and excitement you introduce into your life, the better.
If you follow this path you will start to enjoy the process of “doing” more. As you enjoy the process of “doing” more, more events and circumstances will be attracted to you that you enjoy and make you feel good. In time, this will lead you in the direction of your passion.
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You may suddenly get a flash of insight, or perhaps someone will simply offer you an awesome job. Perhaps you will get a cool promotion or you’ll run into someone who gives you a great idea for a career move. Your passion can come to you in an infinite number of ways, and how it is delivered is up to the universe to decide.
(As for me, the dream job came in a flash of insight. One day, at my old job, I suddenly knew I was supposed to be running a website and teaching people about the Law of Attraction. It was a sudden, intense and instant “knowing.”)
The rule is this: do what you want to do when you want to do it, and the Law of Attraction must bring you a life’s work that is what you want to do. You get what you are projecting out into the universe, so all you really have to do is project the vibe of a person who does what he or she wants to do, and what you want to do will come to you.
This is actually a fairly simple Law of Attraction strategy, it just requires flexibility and conscious awareness of your feelings.
So if you are interested in finding your passion, take heart-because it can be done! Remember, stop trying to figure out what your dream job will be, keep raising your vibration, and do what you want to do when you want to do it. This is the recipe to let go and get your energy aligned with the right life’s work for you.
Are you in the hunt to find a dream job? Comment below and let me know!
Click here for more articles by Andrea Schulman!
About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.
Image: Pixabay
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