Tag: money
New Moon In Taurus: Dreaming Big, Taking Risks, Money
Happy New Moon in Taurus! This New Moon became exact on Tuesday, May 11 at 2:59 PM New York time (18:59 GMT). We are in for a time of good vibes, expansion, material success, pleasurable experiences, communion with nature, and manifesting our dreams into reality.
Scorpio Supermoon – Cleaning House, Transmutation, Shadow Work, Money
Happy SuperMoon in Scorpio! This Super Full Moon becomes exact on Monday, April 26 at 11:32 PM New York Time (03:32 GMT on April 27).
76 Signs – Take The Spiritual Vibration Test!
By testing your spiritual vibration signs, you can identify your strong points as well as your weaknesses. Here is an easy way to test your spiritual vibration. These spiritual vibration signs will either confirm your spiritual vibration or will give you areas in your life that may need some work.
Are You Waiting For Your Twin Flame? Global Reset? Money? The Wave?
I can’t say whether the twin flame concept is true or not, but I do fully believe that we all create our own realities so if you believe in this idea fully then you can easily create a reality in which you are experiencing it in some way. What I do believe, is that at least 90%+ of the information around this concept isn’t for anyone’s highest good. I believe that there is a lot of interference from negative energies involved in these connections and information.
This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean
Have you ever found a feather and wondered what it specifically meant? Please refer to the above chart to find out! Related article: The Messages Of Feathers In5D Addendum Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com In the article entitled, “This Is How The Anunnaki Took Control Of Humanity,” Robert Morning Sky stated: When […]
Signs Of When You Are Hearing, Seeing, And Feeling Angels Or Divine Presence
by Seraphia Preston The spiritual shift in man and the general evolution towards a higher conscious, has given us the opportunity to communicate with Higher Divine Realms. This is a true gift and not one that is to be considered to belong to the ‘rare few’. We are all made in the image of Creator, […]
If There Was No Such Thing As Money…
From an early age, we’re asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Free and happy are not acceptable answers in a society that places a value and worth on everything we do. What if there was no such thing as money? What would you be doing with your life?
BLOODLINES: Let US Make Man In OUR Image – Who Is ‘US’ And ‘OUR’?
Have you ever wondered who ‘us’ and ‘our’ refers to in Genesis 1:26 when it says, ‘And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’? The answer might surprise you…
A Cosmotic Point Of View Into The Dimensional New You!
New sources are ripe to help you with the shift, but you must imaginate, animate, illuminate, demonstrate and elevate your world view into an upgraded high frequency dimensional shift….
Healing From The Underworld
Have you ever wondered why some people are so unlucky? No matter what they do or how hard they try, they can’t seem to get a break. Some might believe it’s bad luck, a curse, a spiritual blockage, or a soul contracts we agreed or created from a previous life time.
Dreams Of The Crystalline World
I’ve heard we are given information from the next dimension when we are ready to receive it. And we don’t get to decide when we are ready. Lately I’ve been wondering how much longer it will be before I’m ready to receive more information. That question was answered recently and I’m so grateful as I feel like I’ve been on a plateau for a very long time.
20 Sources Of Pain In The Body Directly Linked To Specific Emotional States
How does emotional stress turn into sources of pain? Learn how specific pains originate and what they mean.
Hyperbolic Funnel – The Shape Of Ascension
While much has been written about Ascension, there has been little focus on the trajectory of an individual on the Ascension path other than in abstract terms. In reality, Ascension follows a highly structured and predictable energetic shape: a hyperbolic funnel.