Tag: money

9 Of The Most Common Health Conditions And Their Psychospiritual Causes
Our mind, body and emotions are intimately connected via a complex, miraculous network of nerves and cells that make up our endocrine, immune and nervous systems. Every thought we think, every emotion we feel, every interaction we are involved in has an impact on our overall health. Let’s take a closer look at 9 of the most common health conditions that have a distinct emotional component.

The Secret Story Never Told
Writer’s name withheld by request, In5D.com It’s been hidden from mankind forever and great lengths are still taken to keep it hidden from us. This is the story of a journey that something inside of your body makes every month. And once this happens to you, awareness, and comprehension are increased a thousand fold. This […]

WayShowers, LightKeepers And Crystalline Grid Keepers – You Are Called Now To Step Up
by Lisa Brown, You are called now to step up in a whole new way, to be more visible AS LOVE and THE LIGHT of purity, integrity, honor and sacred respect, and compassion more than ever before. You are to shine the light of the NEW SYSTEMS ALREADY IN PLACE that we’ve already been building […]

Alan Watts – How To Not Be Killed By Death
When I heard this lecture, I understood how you can not be a victim of jealousy to other people if you stick with doing what you want. For example, if I would chose the career of a project manager because of the money, I would always be jealous of the lawyers earning more than me. But, if I were to chose a life making films like these, which is what I really want, I could never be jealous of the lawyers and their money, because they’re doing something I would not be happy doing. I’m already satisfied.

3D, 4D and 5D – The Dimensions And Their Differences
To understand the different dimensions and how they feel like better, let’s take a look at them individually.

What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything. While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to idiotic events such as Justin […]

Which Pluto Generation Are You?
Pluto is known as the ‘Destroyer’ and will tell you what life challenges you will have. Each generation has a different location for Pluto on their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of these astrological signs.

Pluto In Scorpio Generation Born Between 1984-1995
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com If you were born between 1984 through 1995 or have a child born between these years or simply know someone that was born during this period, then you will find this article most fascinating. People born during this time frame were born with Pluto in Scorpio. […]

20 Questions To Determine Whether YOU Are an Extraterrestrial!
The following are 20 “Are You An Extraterrestrial”questions created by Scott Mandelker, author of From Elsewhere: Being E.T. in America and Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan, from which this updated version is taken: Scoring Your ET Identity For each YES answer, give yourself 5 points and then total your score. For every […]

Now That I Have My Crystals, What Do I Do With Them?
Below is a list of possible ways you could go about choosing a crystaland what to do once you’ve bought it. Remember, just because a crystal is beautiful, and the nicest one of a bunch, doesn’t mean that it is the best crystal for you. It is more important to be receptive and allow yourself to be drawn to a stone that will have meaning for you.

Are Your Desires REALLY Your Desires?
I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been experiencing a wave of new understandings about the Law of Attraction and the process of conscious creation.

BREAKING NEWS! Queen Elizabeth To Abdicate Her Throne – What This Means To Humanity
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com A shocking development has just occurred when Queen Elizabeth hinted that she plans on abdicating her throne and will flee the UK, according to a BBC insider (1). ‘One is making the necessary preparations to abandon ship,’ Her Majesty said. ‘A violent storm is coming, the […]

Stunning Announcement – Cabal Has Surrendered! Evil Plots Exposed And Prevented!
As is being reported by multiple sources, the U. S. Army has seized control of the Federal Government and President Obama has no actual authority. Furthermore, the so called ‘Cabal,’ or ‘Khazarian Mafia,’ backed by United Nations infiltrators has surrendered and their files have been seized. Multiple agents have been arrested and are being interrogated, but many more have decided to switch sides and work against the evil plots against humanity which had been planned beginning next month.

8 Limiting Beliefs That Plague the Spiritual Community
Below are 8 common limiting beliefs in the spiritual community that make life harder than it needs to be. With the Law of Attraction, we create more of whatever we focus on, so focusing on the limiting beliefs below actually causes an expansion of these problems and limitations.

The Controllers Agenda Exposed – An Inconvenient Harvest
For one seeking enlightenment in the form of new enhanced consciousness and enlarged perceptive faculty, be prepared to divest yourself of all past preconceptions and thought-habits and, with childlike meekness and docility, surrender the mind to the reception of some novel and unexpected truths.