In5D Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

In5D Quantum Tie Dye

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Energy Update – We Are In Preparation Mode As StarGates Align & The Crystalline Grid Fires Up

Energy Update – We Are In Preparation Mode As StarGates Align & The Crystalline Grid Fires Up

By on January 14, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, Aloha beautiful love family, StarGates aligning all day, the Crystalline Grid “firing up”, quickening occurring, timelines collapsing/converging and we are “preparing” all day thus far today… it’s like being on the runway, getting ready to take off…. Lots of aligning… lots…. occurring… For me, I have much to share/write with some tools […]

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Energy Update – Density Changing, Worlds Are Gonna Be Rocked

Energy Update – Density Changing, Worlds Are Gonna Be Rocked

By on November 14, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, Good morning/afternoon/evening dear sweet LOVE family, Last night I was writing what the frequencies were “doing” and I got tied up on a conference call. Basically is that these are about to “rock worlds” like never before. Shake things up and re-organize lives according to each’s HIGHEST SOUL PATH now. This gets […]

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