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Tag: pluto

This Week In Astrology – Purging And Bringing In The New

This Week In Astrology – Purging And Bringing In The New

By on May 18, 2019 in Astrology with 0 Comments

This Week In Astrology – Now is the Scorpio Full Moon. They more we purge the more room there is to merge. Take a deep dive into the dynamics of your story. Long standing mysteries can be solved now. Complications are complete. Release.

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A Brief History Of FAILED End Time Predictions

A Brief History Of FAILED End Time Predictions

By on September 22, 2017 in Awareness, Enlightening Articles, Prophecy with 0 Comments

What can we expect the day after the ‘end of the world’? According to wiki, there have been 183 end of the world predictions that have failed.  Many of these were prophesied by religious zealots through fear propaganda. Here are just a few of them.

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Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? The Importance Of Astrology In EVERY Relationship

Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? The Importance Of Astrology In EVERY Relationship

By on August 19, 2017 in Astrology

While it may seem like a lame pick-up line from the 1960’s, there is a lot of truth behind the compatibility of zodiac signs in every relationship in your life. If someone had tried to tell me about the importance of astrology 20 years ago, I would have looked at them as if they were crazy, but now, I know better.

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Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast April 10-16, 2017

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast April 10-16, 2017

By on April 10, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer, April 10-16 The Moon is full in Libra, the sign of relationship on April 10, 2017. Is it time to partner up? Or to cut the ties. Endings are just beginnings do what needs doing. It‘s the last week of Venus retrograde too. What have you learned about your relationships? […]

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Aries New Moon- First New Moon Of The New Year! Ready, Set, Grow

Aries New Moon- First New Moon Of The New Year! Ready, Set, Grow

By on March 28, 2017 in Astrology with 0 Comments

March 27- April 2, 2017 Is the First New moon of the New year, there is a ton of power to start anew on this day. This week too, Mercury is in a harmonious connection to Saturn- giving us wisdom and focus. Mercury is shifting from its fiery Aries into let’s back up a minute change hater Taurus.

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Rare Astrology: January 7th Through February 6th, 2017 All Planets Are Moving Direct

Rare Astrology: January 7th Through February 6th, 2017 All Planets Are Moving Direct

By on January 5, 2017 in Astrology

via TheMindUnleashed, Rare Astrology: January 7th Through February 6th, 2017 All Planets Are Moving Direct Starting January 7th and going through February 6th, 2017, all of the major planets will be moving direct (forward). Ancients saw this as a time of great fortune and a very opportune time. Stephanie “Wave” Forest is the first known […]

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Repugnant Mercury Retrograde: Unravelling Mystical Power

Repugnant Mercury Retrograde: Unravelling Mystical Power

By on December 18, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Mercury Retrograde – Conjunct Pluto as it stations retrograde in Capricorn, this is an incisive Mercury with little patience for subjectivity, or sensitivity for that matter!

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Which Pluto Generation Are You?

Which Pluto Generation Are You?

By on August 2, 2016 in Astrology, Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

Pluto is known as the ‘Destroyer’ and will tell you what life challenges you will have. Each generation has a different location for Pluto on their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of these astrological signs.

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Pluto In Scorpio Generation Born Between 1984-1995

Pluto In Scorpio Generation Born Between 1984-1995

By on August 2, 2016 in Astrology

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, If you were born between 1984 through 1995 or have a child born between these years or simply know someone that was born during this period, then you will find this article most fascinating. People born during this time frame were born with Pluto in Scorpio. […]

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Pluto In Virgo Generation Born Between 1957 and 1972

Pluto In Virgo Generation Born Between 1957 and 1972

By on August 2, 2016 in Astrology

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Every age group can be broken down into the influence of Pluto within that particular generation.  Pluto is known as the Destroyer and presents each generation with opportunities to overcome certain challenges as part of your spiritual progression. Those who were born between 1957 and 1972 […]

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Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

By on May 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Forgiveness can be a really sticky issue. Everyone knows it is “blessed” to forgive, yet most of us secretly—or not-so-secretly— harbor grudges, carry resentments, relive betrayals, and plot revenge, if only in our fantasies. After all, we “earned” those stripes through our own pain and anguish.

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Fasten Your Seatbelts, The Transformation Is Happening!

Fasten Your Seatbelts, The Transformation Is Happening!

By on May 1, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Transformation is in the stars but not before an impending collapse of our global system of government, money, education and religion. There are several upcoming and current astrological alignments which will bring a new age of consciousness to humanity, but not before collapsing what is already in place.

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ET Intervention – Are The Distractions Distracting You?

ET Intervention – Are The Distractions Distracting You?

By on October 26, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

Global revolutions. Government shutdowns. FEMA Camps. Banking Collapse. Chemtrails.  GMO’s.  Amongst everything that is going on in this world, where are you placing your thoughts?

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What Does Pluto’s Transit Through Capricorn Really Mean?

What Does Pluto’s Transit Through Capricorn Really Mean?

By on June 27, 2015 in Astrology, Awareness

by Melissa Johnson, Contributing Writer, Pluto currently transits 9 degrees of Capricorn and will continue through Capricorn until January 2024. Pluto cycles through the zodiac every 248 years, spending 10-30 years in each sign. Pluto entered Capricorn back in January 2008 and over these last 4 years we have watched its energetic influence in a […]

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A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”

By on June 11, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

*Information from this article is taken from Gerald R. Clark’s The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order. For more information regarding the subject please check out his book.*

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