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What Does Pluto’s Transit Through Capricorn Really Mean?

By on June 27, 2015 in Astrology, Awareness

What Does Pluto's Transit Through Capricorn Really Mean? in5d in 5d

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by Melissa Johnson,
Contributing Writer,

Pluto currently transits 9 degrees of Capricorn and will continue through Capricorn until January 2024. Pluto cycles through the zodiac every 248 years, spending 10-30 years in each sign. Pluto entered Capricorn back in January 2008 and over these last 4 years we have watched its energetic influence in a powerful and dramatic way. A near collapse of the Global economy and housing market, with groups such as Occupy Wall Street organizing massive protests and political corruption being exposed for the entire world to witness. Big Corporations, such as Monsanto being rejected by the mass Global community for producing Genetically Modified Organism via seed supply to world populations. If we look back at Pluto’s last transit through Capricorn the year was 1760 AD, we can spiral forward in time overlaying the energetic resonance of those events on today. In 1760 we were in the midst of the American Revolutionary War for independence from the British Empire, with the United States Constitution being signed 16 years later in 1776 – freedom from the ‘oppressor’. If we move forward 16 years from 2008, this takes us to 2024, right on schedule, with Pluto’s transit through Capricorn complete and onward into Aquarius. The main theme we see manifesting with Pluto’s 20 year transit through Capricorn is transformation r-evolutionary or epic in scale culminating with a sense of freedom and foundation at its end.


Symbology of Pluto in Capricorn:

Pluto represents power, transformation, transmutation, bringing the dark to light, Hades, the underworld, Phoenix from the ash. Pluto naturally rules Scorpio and 8th house, so deep consciousness rising to the surface, shadows surfacing, truth coming out, large financial and power structures overhauled/ collapsed/ re-birthed.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and naturally rules the 10th house. This represents Big Business, Big Government, Old Ways, Old People, Chronos/ Father Time, Authority, Stability/ Lasting Effects.

Related article: Saturn – Why Are We Worshiping The Cult Of EL?

Put it all together: Powerful Transformation of Old Ways and Old People, Authority, Big Business and Big Government. Hades or the under-world traversing through the collective psyche in order for us to recognize the ‘darkness’ to be healed and becoming conscious or aware of our choice to re-birth into the ‘light’ of new structures and new worlds. There could also be a re-structuring or transformation of the way we view time, or experience time.

To see how you are affected by this transit, look at your chart to the house this transit falls and its native function. Add the symbology to that houses function and see your potential contribution to this evolutionary transit. As the transit transforms your perceptions of yourself in a powerful and lasting way you are now capable of sharing this newly uncovered, acknowledged energy in yourself with the world around you. It is our perception of who we think we are that determines how we interact with ourselves and the world around us. Additionally, the aspects of this transit to personal planets in your chart- Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars will add additional significance to the affects of this transit for you.

You can get a free online birth chart reading here .


See also: Houses in Your Birthchart

Transit of Pluto in Capricorn through your:

1st House– Transformation of the way you perceive your personal demeanor, appearance and presentation to the outside world will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to lead others in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Leader

2nd House– Transformation of the way you perceive security and gain material wealth will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you chose to step into the energies of this transit, you have the capacity to provide safe haven and share personal wealth supporting the transformation of the collective. Key function: Provider

3rd House– Transformation of the way you perceive your communication with others will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to disseminate information supporting the collective transformation. Key function: Communicator

4th House- Transformation of the way you perceive your house, home and nurturing ability will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to provide true nurturing, home and hearth in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Nurturer

5th House- Transformation of the way you perceive your creations and receive inspiration will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to share your creations and inspiration in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Creator

6th House- Transformation of the way you perceive your behavior supporting health and daily routines will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to share healthy ways of being in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Healer

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7th House– Transformation of the way you perceive associations and unions with other people will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to build unions and associations with people in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Relater

8th House– Transformation of the way you perceive transitions of death, re-birth, evolution and consciousness will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to transform consciousness with focus and intent in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Transformer

9th House– Transformation of the way you perceive philosophy, higher dimensional and foreign mental concepts will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to share evolutionary philosophy in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Teacher

10th House– Transformation of the way you perceive your professional and social success in the world will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to succeed in worldly professional and social endeavors in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Social Success

11th House– Transformation of the way you perceive your interaction with large groups, organizations and collective creations will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to energize and influence large groups and collective creations in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Organizational Influencer

12th House– Transformation of the way you perceive the meta-physical and unseen world, shadows and things hidden will have a powerful and lasting effect on you and the world around you. If you choose to step into the energies of this transit you have the capacity to delve deep into the cosmic ocean of reality and reach spaces unknown to others in support of the collective transformation. Key function: Meta-physician

Related articles: HUGE Changes Are Upon Us With Pluto In Capricorn and Expect HUGE Changes During This Rare Astrological Alignment!

About the Author: A Practitioner and Researcher of Eastern and Western Astrology for over 20 years, conventionally educated in Psychology, M.A. and Behavioral Science, B.A. After a NDE in 2008 the Psychic realm became very tangible to me, the world came alive I could ‘see’ consciousness flowing actively all around me. Celestial bodies were actually alive and interacting with me individually, and collectively with the world. Understanding the archetypal and symbolic significance researched by Carl Jung, Father of Modern Psychology, my experience went from mental concept to experiential symbols and metaphors coming alive and interacting with me, finally integrating the Shamans and Brahmans of the Vedic traditions complex system of Astrology. The intent with this blog is to share a little bit of how I ‘see’ things. Interested in a personal Psychic-ology Astrology reading contact me at

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