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Tag: psychic abilities

SUPERPOWERS ULNEASHED! – The Ultimate Guide To 77 Mind-Blowing Superpowers!

SUPERPOWERS ULNEASHED! – The Ultimate Guide To 77 Mind-Blowing Superpowers!

By on February 14, 2023 in Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

Which of the 77 mind-blowing superpowers would you like to have?  Keep in mind that each superability carries huge responsibilities and consequences, so be careful what you wish for!

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Witch, Please! 10 Signs You May Have Been a Witch in a Past Life

Witch, Please! 10 Signs You May Have Been a Witch in a Past Life

By on January 21, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Were you a witch in a past life? The idea of having a past life as a witch can be a way to tap into the ancient wisdom and practices that have been passed down through generations, and to understand the role of magic and spirituality in our lives. It can also be a way to access our intuition and inner wisdom, which can guide us towards living a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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9 Tips On How To Escape Artificial Time

9 Tips On How To Escape Artificial Time

By on March 29, 2022 in Science with 0 Comments

9 Tips On How To Escape Artificial Time – The current use of artificial time through the Gregorian calendar brings us further away from synchronizing ourselves to everything, from our own internal clocks, to Mother Nature and to the cosmos through harmonious time. The following are 9 simple ways you can synchronize your body to natural time.

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Old Souls Unite! 16 Amazing Ways To Tell If You Are An Old Soul

Old Souls Unite! 16 Amazing Ways To Tell If You Are An Old Soul

How can you tell if you are an old soul? Are there differences in traits or behaviors? What signs can I look for that can help me differentiate the difference? The word “old” is only relative to time. Because time is linear and our souls are eternal, 10,000 years would be the blink of an eye. Dolores Cannon believes that we need to incarnate many, many times as inanimate objects, plants and animals before we can become human. Then, as humans, we still need to incarnate many, many times to learn all of the lessons we came here for.

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5 Signs You Are Experiencing The Shift

5 Signs You Are Experiencing The Shift

By on May 11, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What is the Shift? The The Shift is our collective shift in perspective from primitive drives to a higher state of consciousness. The Shift occurs for all species, all multiversal populations in this rich and vast tapestry of existence.

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Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms

Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms

By on September 4, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Sabrina Reber Ascension is the raising of our personal energy frequency. It occurs when we bring our layers of “light” from our Spiritual Body or Multidimensional God Self down into our physical form. As we integrate more of our true spiritual essence into our being we expand our auric field, chakra system and activate […]

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Why Are We Not All Psychics?

Why Are We Not All Psychics?

By on August 28, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Olga Star, Contributing writer, The pitfalls of spiritual development The story is all too familiar. Something happens you can’t explain, the curiosity or desire to understand the phenomena that affected you or is still affecting you is driving you to do your own research. Depending on the nature of the experience, either you […]

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The Amazing Power Of Quartz Crystals

The Amazing Power Of Quartz Crystals

By on August 23, 2017 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Quartz crystal is one of the most powerful gemstones on the planet and is ideal for healing, chakra clearing, enhancing psychic abilities, emotional clearing, meditation, astral projection, lucid dreaming, dream enhancement and opening the 3rd eye. The double terminated quartz crystal is even more powerful because […]

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Imagination Is 5D Thought

Imagination Is 5D Thought

By on March 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Imagination is not bound by time, space or rules. Imagination is an expression of our limitlessness and is 5th dimensional thought form.

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Is Artificial Intelligence a Good Thing?

Is Artificial Intelligence a Good Thing?

By on March 17, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Life is moving fast. You may be feeling as though it is moving TOO fast. You are not alone.

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What Type Of Star Child Are You?

What Type Of Star Child Are You?

By on February 3, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Ginny Marston Are you an Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow Child? What type of Starchild are you? Indigo Children: Lacks patience which can easily frustrate or bore them. Are able to sense authenticity with ease – human lie detectors. Have a very high sensitivity level to sight, sound, taste, smell and even touch. Empathetic […]

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3 Easy Ways To Get Psychically Clean

3 Easy Ways To Get Psychically Clean

By on December 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Sticky, dense, negative energies are very real. Spiritual hygiene is as essential as washing your hands to protect your health and well-being. These simple yet powerful techniques take only a few moments, and are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Once you get in the habit of clearing heavy energies from your aura and home you’ll be amazed at how your own psychic and intuitive abilities will pop into greater focus.

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5 Crystals For Indigos

5 Crystals For Indigos

By on December 12, 2016 in Indigos, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Discover five crystals for Indigos. Tap into the supportive power of these stones that work with your Indigo vibration. Balance your energies, shield yourself and align with your soul’s mission.

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Unlocking Your Inherent Psychic Ability: Tips For Those Just Awakening

Unlocking Your Inherent Psychic Ability: Tips For Those Just Awakening

By on October 14, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kirsten Cowart The Spirit Science Everyone has inherent psychic ability. One of the first steps to unlocking this potential is actually believing that it’s possible. We are so much more powerful than we realize, and if you truly believe something is impossible, then in your reality, it will be. There is an infinite universe […]

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The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One

The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One

By on May 5, 2016 in Indigos

by Sandra Weaver, The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they’re asleep. Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth […]

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