Tag: psychic senses

4 Stages Of Real Spiritual Awakening And How To Move Through Them More Easily
I’d like to bust some of the enlightenment myths and instead, give you what I’ve found to be a more accurate account of the 4 key stages of spiritual awakening.

Do You Have These 6 Psychic Senses?
We have five main senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. We also have psychic senses. Typically we align these with our 5 basic senses because it makes them easier to understand and to train. We also add in a 6th sense into the psychic sense list because there is a higher sense of intuition that is important when studying psychic abilities.

Crystals for Spiritual Upgrade & Light Code Integration
Have you ever been in an altered state of consciousness, and all of a sudden you get a fleeting vision of symbols, geometry, complex mathematical equations, hieroglyphics, or something that looks like morse code?