Tag: quantum

Quantum Double Slit Experiment Shows The Importance Of Focused Intention
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com One of the most important discoveries in the field of metaphysics is the double slit experiment, which clearly shows how focused intent changes the outcome of virtually every situation imaginable. This is one of the key elements in the Law of Attraction, which the book and […]

It’s Still Possible We All Live Inside A Hologram
Is our universe actually just a hologram? This idea has been floated around before, and isn’t just some trippy, somewhat horrifying thought one gets at 3am, perhaps along with (or as a result of) insomnia. Instead, it could very well be an actual physical property of the universe. And it may have been under our noses all this time.

Guide To Crystals And Gemstones For Healing
Below is a comprehensive list of all of the important healing crystals, gems and gemstones. Crystals and gemstones have amazing holistic healing abilities and can be used for many other applications such as meditation, quantum touch healing and reiki, as well as for chakra clearing and chakra balancing.

Superposition Phenomenon – Can You Be In Two Places At Once?
via MessageToEagle, How would you look for something that can be in two ‘places’ at once? The answer, according to Oxford University research into a quantum phenomenon called superposition, seems to be to ask where it isn’t rather than where it is. ‘Superposition allows an atom to be simultaneously ‘here’ and ‘there’. Electrons behave like […]

Your Cells Are Listening! How Talking to Your Body Helps You Heal
“Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body.

Quantum Consciousness
by Ervin Laszlo, I was delighted and honored to have the following article posted in the Pathways to Family Wellness magazine Spring 2012 issue. The article, as printed in the New Edge Science section of the magazine, is available in pdf format. Pathways to Family Wellness is a non-profit quarterly print and digital magazine with […]

Scientists Report Teleportation Of Physical Objects From One Location To Another
by Arjun Walia, CE The concept of teleportation comes primarily from science fiction literature throughout human history, but things are changing. Developments in quantum theory and general relativity physics have been successful in exploring the concept of teleportation for quite some time now. Scientists Report Teleportation of Physical Objects From One Location To AnotherToday, numerous […]

5 Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Showing That Reality Is An Illusion
Is this reality an illusion? Are we living inside a matrix? The following article provides ‘food for thought’ about the reality we THINK we are experiencing, but it’s an illusion!