Tag: ra

This Is How The Anunnaki Took Control Of Humanity
To those who are religious, this story may rock your boat. According to Morning Sky, the Sirians are responsible for all religions in order to control man. The Anunnaki’s Enlilappointed himself as God of this planet, despite his brother Ea (as in EArth) and sister being responsible for the genetic creation of mankind. Enlil is the same “god” that is in the Old Testament of the bible. If you appease Enlil (or follow god’s commandments) you will be “rewarded” with your place in “heaven”. The problem is, you will continue reincarnating as a slave and as you have done many times beforehand, and your memory will be erased from all previous lifetimes.

Bill Donahue – Origin Of Christianity
Bill Donahue irrefutably lays out the origins of Christianity, which includes the surprising story behind why all churches have steeples.

What Does The Law Of One’s ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com There is a big difference between being one with Source versus being harvested like an ear of corn in order to bring yourself to the next level of spiritual progression. According to the Law of One: Ra is claimed to be from the “Confederation of Planets […]

Word Origins: Why You Should “Watch” What You Say
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com No matter what language you speak, all words and alphabets come from the Phoenicians. More importantly, the meaning behind these words control everything from commerce and the banking system to law and religion. For example, the word religion can be viewed as Ra-legion. Ra is the […]

What Is This 51 Percent That Everyone Is Talking About?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com A lot of people are curious about what is in store for us in the future. While no one can be 100% sure of anything, some sources have given us a glimpse of what to expect. Two of those sources specifically mention the number, 51%. Dolores […]