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Tag: religion

What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki

What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki

By on August 24, 2016 in Extraterrestrials

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything. While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to idiotic events such as Justin […]

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Is Reality As We Know It Completely False?

Is Reality As We Know It Completely False?

By on August 5, 2016 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix

Have you seriously been questioning reality?  Does nothing about this world seem to make any sense anymore? Do you sometimes ask yourself “Where the hell am I?”. Does it feel like you just woke up, and don’t know where you are or how you got here? Have you been slowly realizing the major possibility that almost everything we know about the world we find ourselves currently stuck in may be completely false?

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Which Pluto Generation Are You?

Which Pluto Generation Are You?

By on August 2, 2016 in Astrology, Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

Pluto is known as the ‘Destroyer’ and will tell you what life challenges you will have. Each generation has a different location for Pluto on their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of these astrological signs.

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Pluto In Scorpio Generation Born Between 1984-1995

Pluto In Scorpio Generation Born Between 1984-1995

By on August 2, 2016 in Astrology

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, If you were born between 1984 through 1995 or have a child born between these years or simply know someone that was born during this period, then you will find this article most fascinating. People born during this time frame were born with Pluto in Scorpio. […]

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Awaken Your Kundalini In 3 Easy Steps

Awaken Your Kundalini In 3 Easy Steps

By on July 13, 2016 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Many people want to know how to awaken the Kundalini. And as there are techniques for Kundalini Awakening, most of the techniques are kept secret by masters until the student is ready to receive them.

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Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest

Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest

By on June 27, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Edward Morgan, PrepareForChange “Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. […]

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Stunning Announcement – Cabal Has Surrendered! Evil Plots Exposed And Prevented!

Stunning Announcement – Cabal Has Surrendered! Evil Plots Exposed And Prevented!

By on May 10, 2016 in Awareness with 0 Comments

As is being reported by multiple sources, the U. S. Army has seized control of the Federal Government and President Obama has no actual authority. Furthermore, the so called ‘Cabal,’ or ‘Khazarian Mafia,’ backed by United Nations infiltrators has surrendered and their files have been seized. Multiple agents have been arrested and are being interrogated, but many more have decided to switch sides and work against the evil plots against humanity which had been planned beginning next month.

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The Hijacking Of Consciousness

The Hijacking Of Consciousness

By on May 9, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Elva Thompson, Toy bewitched. Made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul, No common centre Man, no common sire Knoweth! A sordid solitary thing Mid countless brethren with a lonely heart Through courts and cities the smooth savage roams, Feeling himself, his own low self, the whole. Coleridge: Religious Musings. Frequency War Many of us […]

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An Unseen Force Is Creating A New World

An Unseen Force Is Creating A New World

By on April 18, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A hidden spiritual power permeates the land around us, and those of us who are willing to open up to it can access and feel it. I’ve just started to tap into it, and I feel it in its strongest doses when I’m in nature.

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The Controllers Agenda Exposed – An Inconvenient Harvest

The Controllers Agenda Exposed – An Inconvenient Harvest

By on March 2, 2016 in Awareness, Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

For one seeking enlightenment in the form of new enhanced consciousness and enlarged perceptive faculty, be prepared to divest yourself of all past preconceptions and thought-habits and, with childlike meekness and docility, surrender the mind to the reception of some novel and unexpected truths.

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The Ancient Art Of Magic, Curses And Supernatural Spells

The Ancient Art Of Magic, Curses And Supernatural Spells

By on February 1, 2016 in Extraterrestrials

by Liz Leafloor, Ancient Origins As long as humanity has had beliefs in deities, the supernatural, and the power of magic, the use of magic, spells, and curses have featured widely across cultures. Very much entwined with human nature, such beliefs and practices have continued to the present day. Archaeological finds show evidence of a […]

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5 Possible Reasons Why You’re Still Single

5 Possible Reasons Why You’re Still Single

By on January 23, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flames with 0 Comments

Are you still single? I know lots of my readers are interested in learning how to apply the Law of Attraction to attract love into their lives. If you’re wondering why you’re still single, this one’s for you!

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Is The Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels Of Consciousness?

Is The Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels Of Consciousness?

By on November 6, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

For millennia, many religions and spiritual teachers have been telling us that during 2012 and soon after, humanity will experience a special spiritual event called ascension. Is this event true or is it just a fantasy dreamed up by certain crazy people. My understanding of ascension is that it isn’t a fantasy, but a natural cycle of the Universe and we are in the middle of ascending to higher levels of consciousness.

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Return To Source – Philosophy And The Matrix

Return To Source – Philosophy And The Matrix

By on November 1, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix

This fascinating documentary is about the film The Matrix and its relationship to philosophy and philosophical themes. The discussion is broad and explains how masterfully and seamlessly the movie touches on everything from Socrates, Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Nietzsche, Baudrillard, Borges, Nozick, LaPlace, Hume, Schopenhauer to religion, meaning, purpose, causality, free will, consciousness, love, intuition, […]

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Manly P. Hall – AstroTheology

Manly P. Hall – AstroTheology

By on October 31, 2015 in Astrology, Awareness

Manly Hall shares 10 hours of occult and metaphysical wisdom in this amazing series. Try to find the time to listen to this, whether in small parts or all at once. Also, bear in mind that not all Freemasons are evil and this hidden knowledge provided by Hall presents an opportunity for us all to learn and grow spiritually.

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