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Tag: seven main chakras

Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

By on February 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Universe is supporting and holding space for the ascension of Gaia as a planetary consciousness. The Universe is inviting humans to come along for the ride: for the upgrade in frequency, for the return to our sacred human consciousness of fully lit up DNA, for the merging of our light body with our physical 3D bodies, and for the embracement of our previously forgotten soul gift expression

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Kundalini Activation – WTF is Happening to My Body?!?

Kundalini Activation – WTF is Happening to My Body?!?

By on February 6, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We see this fairly often, a person goes through an intense spiritual or transcendent experience, and afterwards they begin having some very strange things happen to them. They may start having sensations of intense heat or energy flowing through their body. They may start hearing tones, often very high-pitched. Their body may begin to feel like it’s vibrating, or they may feel pressure in their forehead.

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6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts

6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts

By on January 19, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It’s only a couple of weeks into 2017 yet and, already, the tops have gone turvy and the timelines have gone from straight to curvy in response to the intense energy waves coming into our worlds, globally and personally. These boosts of energy can bring completions and beginnings; upheavals and creations; turning overs and tuning ins.

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