6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts
by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
It’s only a couple of weeks into 2017 yet and, already, the tops have gone turvy and the timelines have gone from straight to curvy in response to the intense energy waves coming into our worlds, globally and personally. These boosts of energy can bring completions and beginnings; upheavals and creations; turning overs and tuning ins.
6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts
Here are some of the ways you may already be experiencing the energy shifts that will be the mark of this year as we shift into a higher gear related to ascension:
1. Altered Reality States
Reality as you have mostly known it is continuing to shift. More ‘paranormal’ experiences are leaking through your consciousness lifting the veils between 3D perception and reality beyond the five senses. You are experiencing an increasing sense of wonder and joy in moments, moved by the absolute magic and wonder of the moment.
You are not the same as you were, as if someone else is now looking through your eyes out at the world and living in your skin. Most of the time, this feels amazing and, sometimes, it can be overwhelming. Maybe you are losing words, maybe losing your mind (in a good way) for longer periods, maybe not experiencing time at all or definitely keeping less track of it. People around you may be noticing that you have changed and commenting on it with some of them coming along and others not able to resonate.
2. Deeper Access to Ethereal Beings
The new energies seem to be support easier connection with Ethereal Beings such as archangels, spirit guides, ascended teachers, and passed loved ones. All of the clairs have been heightened: clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience especially are dialed up. It’s like you are a radio antennae and you’ve been turned up to a higher setting.
You may hear guidance much more clearly; see Ethereal Beings with much more clarity; feel intuitive reactions much more deeply. If you have lingering doubts about your capacity and ability to connect with spiritual beings, you are gathering the resources that you need to help you tune in and expand your capacities. The story of “I can’t” seems to be being drowned out by the necessity of the Universe for you to connect with higher guidance.
3. Expanding Creative Visualization During Meditation
The older paradigm modes of meditating may not be working for you anymore, such as focusing only on your breath or repeating a mantra over and over. You may have already begun or already be engaged in creative visualization or shamanic journeying during meditation, where there are no limits on where you can go or what you experience. Following the leadings of your Ethereal guides, you are taken on adventures into 4D and 5D (and beyond) consciousness states, parallel dimensions, other planets, and even galaxies. You are letting go of the ‘practice’ of meditation to let your soul and higher self take you to where you most need to go. You are drawing resources to help you remember these avenues that were once so natural, opening up to your intuition and creativity more and more.
4. Renewed Focus On Chakras
Taking care of your chakras is going from a spiritual concept to a beloved and critical aspect of your daily self love routine. You are able to feel them more deeply and clearly, see their vibrant colors, locate them with your hands and your inner eye. You again draw resources to expand your knowledge and connection with the seven main chakras (whatever system you choose to follow), feeling your relationship with them deepen and expand beyond mental understanding. You may be experiencing body symptoms of ascension such as flu, head and neck aches, shift in sleep patterns, change in appetite, etc. You are connecting these shifts with your chakras and noticing that cleaning and protecting them daily helps with these physical changes. You are empowering yourself around energy healing for yourself as you connect with your energetic essence and auric field.
5. Relationship Completions & Beginnings
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Relationships are in a big transition and you are in various phases of experiencing these shiftings. You are finding an increasing need to set boundaries with people in your life, often saying ‘no’ to events and previous commitments and expected behaviors. As this creates rumbles of reactions in those around you, you find there is something more authentic at the heart of it all that serves you with the strength and confidence to keep going. As some relationships are completing, there is also an increase in relationships that are beginning or forming. You may find that you are suddenly in a romance with someone who feels like a soul mate and that it happened quite quickly. The previous holdbacks are dissolving and you feel compelled to explore it and see where it goes. Or if you are in a romantic relationship, you may be experiencing that ground of it is shifting with new dynamics of deeper soul bond frequencies coming up and lower dimensional conflicts reducing greatly. You may have the feeling of ‘falling in love’ all over again and your mate as someone that you are very excited to get to know even more deeply!
6. Trailing Edge Emotions Coming Up And Moving Out Fast
Trailing edge is that which is at your growth edge or what you struggle with or are ‘working on’ this life. It often relates to what is still in subconscious shadow within your psyche or emotional body. These energies of acceleration seem to be pushing up and out that which has been in shadow to be felt and healed. You may be experiencing that this process of feeling and healing is going much quicker. One moment you are feeling parts of you that are scared or resistant. And then, the next moment, you are feeling joyful and expansive. Deeper emotional movements are requiring your complete attention and self love and care, calling you to hold space for yourself during this intense transition. Resources come to you in different forms to serve your leading edge of being (your highest self) to feel, heal, and integrate.
During this time of transition and intense energies, strap your heartbelts on and go within through meditation as often as you need and want to! Going within will help you tap into the essence of Inifinite Love that provides the motivation to ride the waves of all these shifts.
About the author: Jelelle Awen is an ascending teacher into 5D consciousness, Divine guide-scribe-author, group facilitator, and co-creator/teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about sessions, online group calls and circles, community, videos, and more.
Image: Pixabay
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