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Tag: auric field

30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People

30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People

Do you feel like you are wired differently than most people? At times, do you feel like you don’t “fit in” on this planet? Did you ever wonder why things feel so differently to you, but not to other people? Have you noticed strange anomalies within yourself that the general population doesn’t seem to experience? This article might help you to understand WHY.

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Re-Emerging Into Ourselves During Ascension

Re-Emerging Into Ourselves During Ascension

By on March 22, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

  by Kalayna Colibri, Contributing Writer, It’s as if I have been wrapped in a self-made cocoon for the last couple of weeks. I’m still feeling some pieces in my heart and auric field that have yet to move, but I do feel them moving. There is much that is being removed from my way […]

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Your Aura And How It Affects Others

Your Aura And How It Affects Others

By on February 4, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Have you ever noticed people who simply make you feel good by just looking at them? Have you ever observed someone for the first time and knew there was something off with this person, even though that particular person never said a word to you? As more […]

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6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts

6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts

By on January 19, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It’s only a couple of weeks into 2017 yet and, already, the tops have gone turvy and the timelines have gone from straight to curvy in response to the intense energy waves coming into our worlds, globally and personally. These boosts of energy can bring completions and beginnings; upheavals and creations; turning overs and tuning ins.

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Four Crystals For Empaths And Sensitive Souls

Four Crystals For Empaths And Sensitive Souls

By on May 11, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Being an empath is a beautiful gift and a spiritual superpower, although it might not always feel like it. An empath is somebody who is able to feel the emotions, the energy, and even the physical pain of others. They tend to have a heart of gold and a highly developed intuitive sense.

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The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One

The Indigo Child And How To Recognize One

By on May 5, 2016 in Indigos

by Sandra Weaver, The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they’re asleep. Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth […]

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Purpose Behind Restoring And Operating From The 12D Original Human Divine Blueprint

Purpose Behind Restoring And Operating From The 12D Original Human Divine Blueprint

By on February 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What is the 12D human blueprint and how can it be restored?

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