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Tag: energy waves

When The Waves Of Energy End Relationships

When The Waves Of Energy End Relationships

By on February 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, I’ve noticed a lot of people having relationship issues, myself included. I recently went through a breakup and it’s never easy. For whatever reasons, many other people are also going through this and much of it can be attributed to the incoming waves of energy. While […]

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7 Ascension Truths

7 Ascension Truths

By on January 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

There is an ancient Chinese curse that runs, “May you live in interesting times.” We are certainly living in interesting times—the time of Ascension—and it often feels like a curse. The physical, mental and emotional symptoms of Ascension can be debilitating for long periods. The anxiety, pressure and sense of always being on edge can feel overwhelming.

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6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts

6 Ways You May Be Experiencing The Intense Energy Shifts

By on January 19, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It’s only a couple of weeks into 2017 yet and, already, the tops have gone turvy and the timelines have gone from straight to curvy in response to the intense energy waves coming into our worlds, globally and personally. These boosts of energy can bring completions and beginnings; upheavals and creations; turning overs and tuning ins.

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Energy Shifts – Psychic Dreams Manifesting And Intense Solar Energies

Energy Shifts – Psychic Dreams Manifesting And Intense Solar Energies

By on November 1, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

October 23rd onwards in 2016, we saw yet more energy waves come in which is causing the manifestation of further spiritual activity, changes within the body, feelings of being out of balance and especially the need to rest and allow these energies to take effect.

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Energy Update – New Grid Being Formed Right Now

Energy Update – New Grid Being Formed Right Now

By on October 20, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, We are part of and currently in a new grid forming ‘above’. Part one/second series shared when I was taken ‘up’ as I saw beings and a table with a new grid being formed on it. I was one of many who ‘watched’ our planet being formed, and I am linked to humanities […]

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Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human

Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human

By on October 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Victoria Trinity, Let me begin by saying I am uncomfortable using the term “starseed”. It implies that I am somehow better than most other humans – that I am somehow more special. Or needed. However, I use the word nonetheless because for as long as I can remember in this particular incarnation in this […]

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September 2016 – Powerful Ascension Shifts And Symptoms

September 2016 – Powerful Ascension Shifts And Symptoms

By on September 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

By Kim Hutchinson, Contributing Writer, If you’re anything like me, then you probably look and feel like you’ve just pulled an all-nighter chaperoning a five year old’s sleepover birthday party. You know the look…frazzled, exhausted, and feeling too stunned to care about anything. This has been one of the most intense and challenging months in […]

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