Tag: soul

What Your Spirit Does When You Aren’t Sleeping
By ash ye ash ye Contributing Writer, In5D.com The fact of the matter is, you are entering a new world when you sleep. You descend the spiral stair case into the frequency that your pineal gland resonates on, and your DNA was birthed from. Basically, when you are not sleeping your spirit is still there doing […]

6 Ways Being Alone Is Good For Your Soul
We see loners and people who enjoy their time as being alone as weird. Some people feel guilty when they spend time alone, or they just don’t like it. But being alone and being a loner, or lonely even, are completely different things.

4 Things Your Soul Wants You To Learn
Our souls are little, near-constantly chattering things. But we don’t often listen to them. We get caught up in our lives and simply don’t hear our souls and the messages they have to offer from previous lives. If anything, these are four big things your soul wishes you knew.

Top 30 Spiritual Terms You Should Know
As a person climbs the ladder of spiritual progression in this lifetime, there are particular terms that describe various stages of development. In order to maximize the opportunity of this lifetime, there are at least thirty important spiritual terms you should become familiar with. All of these terms are part of the reason we incarnated and mastering the meaning of each of these is likened to initiation. When you master the initiations you prove that you are ready to move to the next experience.

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You
We become what we think about all day long. What thoughts do you have that inhibit you from feeling as if you’re on purpose in your life? For instance, if you think that you’re separate from your purpose and that you’re drifting without direction through your life, then that’s precisely what you’ll attract.

The Human Light Body
by Kate A. Spreckley, SpiritualPathways As human we are comprised of four bodies, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These four bodies are interconnected and woven together creating our entire human being. Our being is linked to all existence through our body of light. Our body of light is far greater in size than […]

How Do I Know If It’s My Soul or My Ego Talking?
In the personocratic consciousness, we talk about making the transfer of power from ego to soul in order to create the shift of consciousness that we hope for. But how do I know if it is my soul or my ego talking? Since it is a recurrent question, I thought it was time to write about it, and share with you some simple tools to help develop your discernment.

10 Key Steps To Manifesting Your Reality
The following ten keys are guidelines. Read them and find ways to integrate them into your own life. You’ll notice that each one starts with the word be—for example, Be clear. That’s because they’re focused less on what you need to do and more on what you need to be.

The Third Eye, The Sixth Sense
by Er. Manoj Shrestha, mysticbanana The third eye in reality is the pineal gland. It is the spiritual third eye, our Inner vision and it is considered the seat of the soul. It is located in the geometric center of the cranium. The third eye, an inner eye is a mystical and esoteric concept referring […]

Spiritual Laziness
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Do you know someone who is spiritually lazy? Spiritual laziness could be defined as relying on other to do your own inner work. For example, someone may ask you to recommend a good video to watch. When they see that the video is over an hour […]

Gratitude’s Vibration
What are you most grateful for? Who are you most grateful for? What experiences do you cherish with all your heart? The power of gratitude is in align with the power of love, and love is the highest vibration there is. To practice gratitude is to practice love.

How To Recognize And Assist Walk In Souls
Are there certain signs that define whether someone has a walk in soul? What would you do if you recognized these signs?

16 Excuses To Transform Into Powerful Affirmations
What would my life look like without these excuses and how would it feel? Dr. Wayne Dyer self-help author, motivational and transformational speaker, gives us insight into how to change our excuses into positive affirmations daily to see a change in your thoughts and intention.

Ascension Symptoms: Out Of Body Experiences
There will be more out-of-body experiences as cellular transformation occurs. This experience will also be accepted more by the public in general. It will be accomplished by more people and the experience will become more popular and will become more fun as more people experience it. More out-of body experiences have already been increasing for many as there is a thinning in the veil.