Tag: space

Quantum Physics Proves That Death Is An Illusion
Most scientists would probably say that the concept of an afterlife is either nonsense, or at the very least unprovable. Yet one expert claims he has evidence to confirm an existence beyond the grave – and it lies in quantum physics.

Pick A Door That Stands Out The Most, Then See What It Says About Your Future
If you chose number 1 , Your Path is Freeing. You are the type of person who needs a ton of space. You need the freedom to do things your own way. You prefer a path that you carve yourself, especially one with infinite possibilities and routes. You don’t want to feel constrained. You are […]

The Other Eight Dimensions
by Owen K Waters, Does a fish need to know the nature of the water in which it lives? Not really. Do we need to know the nature of our multi-dimensional existence? Absolutely! If you intend to gain any significant mastery of life, it is essential to fully understand the nature of consciousness, energy and […]

Anonymous Insider Shares Vision Of Ascension After Near Death Experience
What would it be like to wake up in another dimension? This is the reality that many people have seen in their meditations, giving some credence to the idea that ascension could happen in an instant. One woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, shared her vision of what the ascension would be like along with a warning of a “fake ascension” that may be planned by the dark beings.

Science: You Have Extraterrestrial DNA
Don’t be alarmed, but you have alien DNA in your genetic code. Science says so. Scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilization, Discovery.com reports. They call it “biological SETI” and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by […]

3 Astronauts Who Had Spiritual Experiences ‘Up There’
Several astronauts who have seen Earth from space have had profoundly awakening spiritual experiences. Here’s three of them.

Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning From Space!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com When astronauts go to space, they gain a profound perspective of not only our planet but the galaxy that surrounds us. Many astronauts will experience a ‘cosmic consciousness’ (also called the Overview Effect) while others undergo a spiritual awakening where they unexpectedly understand how we are […]

Past Life Research With “Chosen Ones” Reveals Matrix
by Truman L. Cash Guest writer, In5D.com A “chosen one” is an individual who is contacted and abducted by extra-terrestrials repeatedly from lifetime to lifetime. “Chosen ones” are sometimes placed in high-level positions in governments, secret societies and religions. The term “chosen one” is a term that the ETs themselves use both to flatter and […]

Cosmic School: 17 Things We Could Be Learning
Have you ever had dreams of being in school? Some people recall classroom settings in their dreams which may indicate that a multidimensional aspect of themselves is learning more about our cosmic existence. Many people recall the actual cosmic syllabus taught by beings of other dimensions, and many of those people are our starseed children.